Thursday, January 10, 2008

NEWS: 09 Jan 08 | Caucasus Reporting Service 426

Georgian Opposition Disputes Saakashvili Election Win
As the incumbent is awarded a clear if not resounding victory, his opponents appear undaunted. By Sopho Bukia and Mari Betlemidze in Tbilisi (CRS No. 426 09-Jan-08)
Saakashvili’s Campaign Effort Pays Off in Western Georgia
The president did predictably well in a region seen as his heartland, although some question the margin by which he won. By Irakli Lagvilava in Zugdidi (CRS No. 426 09-Jan-08)
Troops Hunt Rebels in Dagestan Mountains
Security forces seal off villages as part of a massive sweep to find Islamic militants. By Revaz Alikhanov and Tamara Magomedova in Makhachkala (CRS No. 426 09-Jan-08)
Dress Code for Chechen Women
Morality drive focuses on low-cut clothing and other signs of behaviour seen as un-traditional and therefore inappropriate. By Artur Israilov in Grozny (CRS No. 426 09-Jan-08)

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