Friday, January 04, 2008

PHOTOREPORTAGE. Rustavi - A Young City Next To Tbilisi

Rustavi, originally uploaded (text & photo) by Phantomas.

A young city next to Tbilisi, built in the 40's to accommodate a large metallurgic plant and all he workforce necessary to run it. Pictured is the “new” part of the city, built post 70’s for expanding population. This is an (obviously) less fancy part of the city built on the right bank of the river. The left part is somewhat more “picturesque”, possibly owing to the fact that it was built right after WWII when architectural style didn’t just yet succumb to evolving past-war practicalism. Plus it was architected by German officers, prisoners of war. Legacy of Stalin.

Today the city is in shambles. After gaining independence and decentralizing the economy the metallurgic plant, sole provider of employment in Rustavi, didn’t fit into the picture thus rendering tens of thousands unemployed. Today the picture is the same. Some estimate unemployment of the city at 60%-80%. But people get by. Don’t ask why.

Rustavi has become a grim and ugly city next door to beautiful Tbilisi, but it has it’s charms, if you know how to look hard.

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