Thursday, February 07, 2008

EXHIBITION: '20 years of Tbilisi' Photographs by Peter Nasmyth

26th January - 23rd February 2008

This extraordinary collection of photographs, celebrating the 20th anniversary of Bristol's twinning with Tbilisi, Georgia marks the dramatic change in the cities life from Communism to Capitalism. Georgia itself Lies South of Russia bordered by Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey. This exhibition will enlighten its visitors with views of the dramatic countryside and intriguing architecture.
Peter Nasmith talk & exhibition NKA

Following Peter Nasmyth's very successful talk given at University Wales Newport last night.
Anyone who was unable to come and hear him might like to take up this second opportunity to do so

Derek Butler is organising a date for a group visit to Peter's exhibition, date yet to be decided.
Do contact him if you are interested in joining up

Regards, Catherine, Chair NKA

PETER NASMYTH is giving a lunch time talk on SAT 23RD FEBRUARY 2008 at the gallery on 20 Years of Tbilisi and his collection of mountain photographs.
Entry £2.00

Contact Gallery for further details

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