Wednesday, February 27, 2008

TALK: Tony Anderson, 'Reflections on Georgian History and Culture’

Hi Everyone

There has been a change of speaker for Tuesday
10th April 2008

Tony Anderson - an experienced traveller to Georgia is giving an illustrated talk on his:
‘Reflections on Georgian History and Culture’

7.00 – 9.00pm
Ticket: £5.00 inc. wine/juice

Belle Vue Conservatory
Belle Vue Park

Due to ill health the scheduled speaker, Philip Longworth is unable to come to Newport. We have sent our best wishes for his speedy recovery and hope he may be able to give his talk at a later date.

Follow up:
Walking in Georgia: A Talk by Peter Nasmyth

For those who attended Peter Nasmyth’s talk on Georgia and heard his concern as to how Tbilisi is being developed might like to take a look at this site -
As Peter remarked to us – ‘…its Dubai meets Disneyland in the Caucasus.’

Further information contact 421103 or see:

Catherine Philpott 26.02.08

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