Monday, February 11, 2008

TRAVEL: Art Club Caucasus International

Dear Art Club Caucasus Member !

Plans getting concrete for the Art Club Caucasus International 1st Reunion in Tusheti 2nd half of August 2008

I hope that all of our members, who do want, can join our first Reunion. You should come to Tbilisi at around 15th or 16th of August. We stay 2 easy days in Tbilisi, to show you some studios and Art Cafes and then we move slowly to Kakheti, the Wine Region in Eastern Georgia, where we will have some glasses of wine, probably, we will stay in the village Alvani at different houses of my friends.

Then we go up in the mountains to Tusheti, and stay there 6-7-8 days, then we go back down, and the next day back to Tbilisi. Then you are free to enjoy some more time in Georgia, independent or in groups or all together, f.e. at the Black Sea beaches or somewhere else, but that will not organized by myself, as artists are against too much organizing I guess ...
Hans Heiner Buhr

So, we go to Kakheti on 17th of August and are back in Tbilisi probably by 26th or 27th.

If you are sure, that you want to join, please drop me a message at

All photos are by Trix Zürcher, Switzerland, who joined our last Cattle Drive in September/October 2007

Slideshow >>>

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