Sunday, March 16, 2008

ARTICLE: Corsica of Caucasus (in french)

Thea Shaishmelashvili sent me this interesting article about the region of Svaneti. Thea has studied in France, speaks very well this language.
I am forwarding you an article appeared in France about one of the most beautiful region of Georgia - Svaneti. I think it could be intersting for you too...
This wild region is located in Caucasus and called by French "Corsica of Caucasus". It's really picturesque, savage and impressive region, proud that never been conquered by foreign aggressors.
Frankly, I've never been there, but I hope I'll visit it some day in the future...
Kind regards,
full article >>>

in: GEO
Texte: D' Hélène Constanty
Photos: De Pascal Maitre

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