Sunday, April 20, 2008

BLOG: Review about Azerbaijan by Onnik Krikorian

Nagorno Karabakh: Human Rights Ombudsperson
von Global Voices Online » Azerbaijan von Onnik Krikorian
Unzipped commends the breakaway and self-declared Republic of Nagorno Karabakh for electing its first human rights ombudsperson. Although some concerns still remain with regards to figures working in an official capacity, the blog says that recent experience in Armenia has shown that such positions are necessary for democratic development as well as human rights protection.

16.04.2008 (Vor 4 Tagen)
Caucasus: Development Index
von Global Voices Online » Azerbaijan von Onnik Krikorian
Social Science in the Caucasus examines statistics used to determine the performance of Armenia and Azerbaijan by the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Three main policy categories — namely, Ruling Justly, Investing in People, and Economic Freedom — are examined. While the blog says that Georgia is showing progress, the two other South Caucasus republics are another matter entirely.

Azerbaijan: Cuisine
von Global Voices Online » Azerbaijan von Onnik Krikorian
Carolyn & Jesse's Azerbaijan Peace Corps Blog introduces its readers to Azerbaijani cuisine. Although the blog says that the nutritional value of many of the meals on offer is questionable it concludes that there are some “real treasures in the country” and provides a culinary tour of some of them.

06.04.2008 17:26
Azerbaijan: Taza Mosque
von Global Voices Online » Azerbaijan von Onnik Krikorian
An American in Azerbaijan pays a village to the Taza Mosque in Baku. Built in the early 1900s, the mosque is currently undergoing restoration in an area of the Azerbaijani capital that few foreigners visit.

03.04.2008 22:45
Caucasus: Geopolitical Railroads
von Global Voices Online » Azerbaijan von Onnik Krikorian
Window on Eurasia says that while oil and gas pipelines through the region attract more attention, railroads might have more geopolitical significance. In particular, the blog examines what plans for a new railroad linking Iran and Azerbaijan might mean, and not least on Russian and NATO interests in Eurasia as well as the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno Karabakh.

Azerbaijan: Weak Regime Index
von Global Voices Online » Azerbaijan von Onnik Krikorian
Social Science in the Caucasus comments on the latest Brookings Index of State Weakness which ranks 141 countries according to their weakness as states. The blog examines why Azerbaijan is considered the weakest of the three South Caucasus republics.

Azerbaijan: The Nicer Side of Baku
von Global Voices Online » Azerbaijan von Onnik Krikorian
Lindsay Fincher says that contrary to popular opinion of the Azerbaijani capital as one of the dirtiest cities in the world, it isn't just oil workers interested in visiting. The blogger says that she actually found her own stay somewhat interesting.

Azerbaijan: Karabakh Resolution
von Global Voices Online » Azerbaijan von Onnik Krikorian
Archuk's blog comments on the success of an Azerbaijani-sponsored resolution adopted by the United Nations condemning the Armenian occupation of territory inside the republic and recognizing the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The Armenian Observer also carries the news.

11.03.2008 08:23
Caucasus: Ali and Nino
von Global Voices Online » Azerbaijan von Onnik Krikorian
The Armenian Odar Reads posts a review of Ali and Nino by Kurban Said. The book, now considered a masterpiece after its rediscovery long after its publication in 1937, is a love story and centers around Nino, a Georgian, and Ali, an Azeri. The book is also considered an interesting literary introduction to the culture and history of the region.

Caucasus: Internal & External Problems
von Global Voices Online » Azerbaijan von Onnik Krikorian
Marilisa Lorusso's blog rounds up the latest political and geopolitical developments from the South Caucasus and says that all three republics are preoccupied with seeking solutions to unresolved internal and external problems. The blog also notes that despite state of emergency restrictions on the media, activity on the Internet continues and is free from self-censorship.

Azerbaijan: Death Star Hotel
von Global Voices Online » Azerbaijan von Onnik Krikorian
It looks quite impressive and futuristic on first glance — a hotel that bears an uncanny resemblance to the Death Star from the Star Wars films. Remarkably, however, the hotel will not be built in Las Vegas or Dubai. It is instead planned for Baku, capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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