Tuesday, April 08, 2008

EXHIBITION: SOFT GROUND by Marika Asatiani (in Leipzig)

Marika Asatiani's Final show installation/photography

April 4 - 12, 2008

Opening: Thursday, April 3rd, 8pm

Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday 4-8pm, Saturday - Sunday 2-6pm

Atelierbesichtigungen nach Vereinbarung möglich. Press

The exhibition SOFT GROUND presents new works (photography/installation) by Marika Asatiani from Tiblisi (Georgia). Therewith the artist bid farewell to Leipzig where she was guest of the artist residency *blumen* since January 2008.
To this occasion we cordially invite you.

The exhibition SOFT GROUND shows the homonymous installation that transforms the art space *blumen* temporally into a place of vegetal growing and becoming. Within a complex mental cocoon, Asatiani connects the history of Leipzig as an intersection of historical and spatial tracks with the physical presence of empty spaces in its urban structure. The related photographic series “cornerstones” shows mugged house-corners as meeting points of two lines and as turning points at the same time. The empty buildings that mark Leipzig's city face in many places, Asatiani comprehends not only as gaps but in the contrary as fertile in-betweens and ground for new things to grow. They are projection screens of cultural and ideological, or simply esthetical expectations and narratives.

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