Friday, April 11, 2008

PHOTOGRAPHY: Monuments Of War - Grozny

Her name was Valentina. She lived in the block of flats on the 8th of March street in Grozny.
Her two sons were running a small bussiness, a way to get some monnies. They were repairing old tv's, working in the basement of the building.
It was 2001. Valentina, they called her "Auntie" cos she was so nice, went to pick up some food given away by Red Cross. These were dark days for Chechnya. She took the IDs of her sons with her, to get the food also for them. While she was gone, soldiers came. There was zaczystka, a clearing operation.
They looked for terrorists. They found them in the basement. Asked for papers which they couldn't produce.
Shot them at the spot.
Their mother came back. Saw what happened. Went crazy. Stayed in that basement till last month, when she died.

Photo & Text: 7. Dezember 2006 by Michal Przedlacki more: Grozny, Chechnya (Album)

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