Monday, July 14, 2008

NEWS: Georgia News Digest 07-14-08

A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies

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Foreign relations and conflicts

1. Russia says it sent warplanes over South Ossetia to ‘prevent bloodshed’
2. Communists support flights of Russian aircraft over Georgia
3. Georgia asks for UN Security Council debate on air space breach
4. EU raises Georgia airspace violation with Russia
5. video: Georgian ambassador leaves Moscow
6. video: Georgia recalls ambassador from Russia - interviews

(see the next post >>>)
7. Georgia's ambassador recall attempt to unnerve Russia
8. video: Georgia turns to UN as ambassador quits Moscow
9. Envoy to Russia makes statement before returning home
10. A cynical recall: Georgian ambassador to Russia is recalled for consultations
11. Georgia threatens to shoot down jets
12. Georgia is able to shoot down violators: Tbilisi is getting prepared for war with Russia
13. Georgia in ‘low-intensity conflict’
14. Georgia ready to repel Russia's "aggressive steps"
15. Threat of Russian attack "real"
16. Worried for Georgia
17. On the brink of war?
18. Will America stand up for Georgia?
19. US and Russian interests in Georgia shouldn’t contradict one another
20. Russia rebuffs U.S. over Georgia mediation
21. Secretary of state reiterates US support
22. Rice calls for high-level talks on Georgian conflicts
23. video: Dmitry Rogozin interview
24. MAP status is beneficial for resolving frozen conflicts
25. NATO's April decision encouraging Russia
26. Vitaly Churkin on the continuing conflict in Georgia
27. Complaint against Russia filed with United Nations is “pure propaganda”
28. Russia kept out of Group of Friends of Georgia meeting
29. EU concerned over tensions in Abkhazia, S. Ossetia
30. No alternative to direct dialogue, says Semneby
31. EU official calls for mediation to avert armed conflict
32. Statement of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union on the recent events in Georgia
33. De-recognition of Georgia’s territorial integrity disqualifies Russia as “peacekeeper”
34. Pre-war preparation in the Kremlin
35. Russian military expert accuses Georgia, USA of provocative behaviour
36. Moscow not willing to settle conflicts in Georgia
37. Georgia's aggressive policy brings Abkhazia, S. Ossetia ever closer to a crisis
38. Russia refuses outside help to ease rising tensions with Georgia
39. Saakashvili proposes Georgia-Russia security commission for Sochi Olympics
40. Russia will not revoke April 16 Decision
41. German diplomat to visit Georgia
42. Moscow wants to "cool down Tbilisi hotheads"
43. Russia does not need intermediaries for settlement with Georgia
44. Russian envoy avoids meeting at Foreign Ministry
45. Speaker deplores Russia's "arrogance", "rudeness"
46. Parliament condemns Russia's recent actions
47. Parliament urges for international support in standoff with Russia
48. Georgia asks foreign countries to avert escalation in conflict zones
49. Georgia calls for international efforts to avert further rise in tensions
50. Foreign Ministry concerned over tension in Ingushetia
51. Heartfelt approval
52. There is danger that two fronts will be opened for Georgia
53. Russian MoD - Troops on combat readiness in Abkhazia
54. Javier Solana spoke to Eka Tkeshelashvili on the situation in Abkhazia and South Ossetia
55. Russian troops on combat readiness in Abkhazia
56. Mechanism needed for Russia-Abkhazia contacts
57. Russian, Abkhaz foreign ministers concerned over Georgia's "aggressive policy"
58. Russian troops open new checkpoints near Abkhazia's Kodori Gorge
59. Russian official's remarks on Abkhazia "arrogant"
60. Georgia not ready for compromise, civilized dialog
61. Chechens oppose Russian peacekeepers
62. Chechen peacekeepers leave checkpoints
63. Hundred years before and after
64. Security official involved in recent blast
65. Abkhazia dissatisfied with UN approach to conflict
South Ossetia
66. Tensions mounting in South Ossetia
67. Controversial accounts of events in South Ossetian conflict zone
68. Russian MFA concerning the situation in South Ossetia
69. Russia pledges to prevent Georgia-S. Ossetia armed conflict
70. S. Ossetia could repel Georgia attack without Russian help
71. Violence in South Ossetia can be avoided
72. Will South Ossetia question become violent in summer 2008?
73. Georgia preparing for possible critical developments in S. Ossetia
74. Lavrov meets S. Ossetian leader
75. Peacekeeping operation in South Ossetia unique
76. South Ossetia, Georgia cannot join NATO together
77. South Ossetia's envoy to Russia accuses Georgia of forcible evacuations
78. Georgia rejects JCC talks
79. Separatist leader says Rice's visit to Georgia's "fuel to fire"
80. Break-out of war suits Kokoiti
Politics and government
81. International summer school in Bakuriani stimulates thought
82. United Opposition's plans for autumn
83. Opposition election documentary released on internet
84. Two opposition MPs allowed to take seat in ‘group of confidence’
85. Salome Zourabichvili summed up her visit in France
86. Protest rally in front of US embassy
87. This is humiliation of Parliament and parliamentarianism
88. Labor Party Leader requests political asylum for his teammates
89. EU representative visits Defence Ministry
90. Road works in Tbilisi a case of engineering versus politics
91. Georgia’s state policy on the effective utilization and preservation of energy
Business and economics
92. What does small enterprise mean in Georgia?
93. Liquidity shortage or a tempest in a teapot?
94. The Black Sea's hidden lures
95. Electricity balance of 2007
96. Georgian tourism lacks legislation
97. Extra nine projects to be funded under the governmental program of cheap credits
98. Aword Capital to enter in grant agreement with USTDA
99. Development and Reforms Fund and Basisbank signed memorandum on cooperation
100. International banking conference to be held in Batumi
101. American hospital to be built in Tbilisi
102. Gomi drinks company expects sales to increase by 20 percent in 2008
103. IFC helps Georgian government simplify licensing process for extracting subsoil
104. The day the uncouth arrived
105. Kvemo-Kartli’s children become registered citizens
106. UN WFP supports Food for Work activities with Turkish donation
107. New awards for outstanding achievements
108. Markets and bazaars in old Tbilisi
109. Barbers and Hairdressers of Tbilisi
110. Documentary film-maker who video recorded violations during elections is psychologically terrorized
111. Journalists for Free Speech and Maestro cable TV held protest action
112. Novelty in Georgian journalism
113. Georgian and US forces train together
114. How Stalin came to tea with 'the Lucky Stiffs' whom he'd tortured

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

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