Sunday, August 17, 2008

BLOG: Virtual Collector has an interesting collections about articles and much more about the crisis in Georgia

last article: about Putin - from New York
A czar is born: bad Vlad wins war, dupes west & proves he's genius
by Ralph Peters
New York Post, August 14, 2008

and much more:
A czar is born: bad Vlad wins war, dupes west & pr...
«Что война будет, мы знали еще в начале августа»
Kremlin Says Troops Will Begin Georgia Withdrawal
Russia: Troop withdrawal to begin in 24 hours
Moscow flexed its military muscles and left the We...
Georgia, Russia took a path of belligerence and bl...
Russia’s new nuclear challenge to Europe
Russia agrees to truce; key Georgia bridge blown u...
What Russia's War Reveals
Russia's aim in Georgia battle was strategic
Why Is Vladimir Putin So Scared of Georgia?
Brzezinski : "The Georgian crisis is a critical te...
Facing The Bear
Analysis: Russia is a foe to be reckoned with
Georgia falls victim to pipeline politics
ANALYSIS: No Cold War, but Big Chill
Rice Presses for Pullout as Georgia Signs Cease-Fi...
Russian Army Stands By As Mayhem Reigns in Gori
Russian general says Poland a nuclear 'target'
HRW: Russians drop cluster bombs in Georgia
Russia gets some valuable international support!
Украина: в Верховной Раде зарегистрирован законопр...
US warns Russia of 'consequences' over invasion of...
US accuses Russia of campaign of scorched earth in...
Moscow Made Plans Months Ago to Invade Georgia
Russians Attack Ethnic Georgians inside the Russia...
Russian analyst predicted Russian invasion 2 month...
Russia hardens support for separatist enclaves
Q&A on Georgia with James Traub
Lavrov offers US "new values"
Human Right Watch: Georgian villages still burning...
15,000 Russian troops in Georgia, U.S. administrat...
Senator McCain feels to be Georgian now! And you...
Rice: 'Territorial Integrity of Georgia Must Be Pr...
Ющенко ограничил перемещение Черноморского флота Р...
Bush accuses Russia over Georgia cease-fire
EU backs truce monitors for Georgia
Russian forces head towards Tbilisi 'in breach of ...
Helsinki Commision Co-Chairmen Condemn Russian Ass...
URGENT: Russia Breaches the Ceasefire Agreement
Russian Troops Push Into Georgia
David Miliband: Russia must face consequences of G...
Russia and Georgia at war... in beach volleyball
Georgia loses the fight with Russia, but manages t...
Web becomes a battleground in Russia-Georgia confl...
US cancels joint exercise with Russia in protest a...
Heavy damage in Tskhinvali, mostly at gov't center...
President Sarkozy's the real peace-keeping mission...
Georgia Files Ethnic Cleansing Case Against Russia...
The Russian Empire Strikes Back
War puts Georgian civilians on edge
David Cameron calls for action against Russia over...
Medvedev's and Trotsky's Russia - Find 5 Differen...
What America can do for Georgia
URGENT: Russian General Shamanov, specialist of ma...
Vladimir Putin capitalises on US ambivalence
France unveils plan for Georgia at the UN
Do the Right Thing
Georgia on our Conscience
Why Georgia Matters
Statement by John McCain on the Crisis in Georgia
Bush Presses Moscow for Cease-Fire
Bush to Russia: Reverse course in Georgia
Putin's aim: to install a marionette Government in...
The War in Georgia Is a War for the West
Russian troops invade Georgia and take the city of...
Cease-fire proposed as Russia bombs Georgia
Fighting Raises the Stakes For Embattled U.S. Ally...
Richard Holbrooke: “Putin’s next target will be Uk...
Russia Widens Attacks on Georgia
Georgia: Gori evacuated as fears of Russian advanc...
Russians push past separatist area to assault cent...
Cheney: "Russian aggression must not go unanswered...
Georgia says Russia bombs again as Bush lashes Mos...
Target: Georgia
Pope calls for peace in Georgia
OSCE head: Russian mediator days over in S.Ossetia...
"Иных вариантов сепаратисты нам не оставили"
Officials: Russia warns of push into Georgia
Putin's Russia - Hitler's Third Reich: Find 5 diff...
Georgia pulls troops out of South Ossetia capital
U.S. official: Russia's attack on Georgia is 'disp...
Georgia withdraws troops from South Ossetia capita...
In Georgia clash, a lesson on U.S. need for Russia...
Russia broadens South Ossetia conflict
Georgia and Russia Nearing All-Out War
Hundreds die as Georgia war escalates
Georgia conflict: Screams of the injured rise from...
Poland, Baltic states condemn Russian actions in S...
Russen töten auch viele Frauen und Kinder
1,500 Reported Killed in Georgia Battle
Georgia seeks help to stop Russian aggression!!!
Zeyno Baran: "Situation in South Ossetia has reach...
Russian planes renew attacks on South Ossetia
Georgian leader: State of war with Russia
Russia turns might of its war machine on rebel nei...
Georgia: president says Georgian troops control so...
Rice urges Russia to withdraw troops from Georgia
О насильственном банкротстве ОАО «Южная Осетия»
McCain calls on Russia to withdraw from Georgia
Georgia 'under attack' as Russian tanks roll in
Georgian forces attack Russian-backed separatists
Georgia: Tbilisi declares cease-fire in south Osse...
Russia can play a vital role in the west’s securit...
Stalinism Was Just as Bad as Nazism
Europe's Caucasian Moment
Simmering dispute could turn Russia against the We...
Railroads and Pipelines Integrate the Caucasus
Weakness in the midst of Russia’s strength
Churchill's definition of Russia still rings true
Franz Kafka’s porn brought out of the closet
Five of Hollywood's biggest PR disasters
Abkhazia prepares for Olympics with a little help ...
Vague but sinister
Тот, который показал...


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