Sunday, August 10, 2008

COMMENTS: Discussion In The Flickr-Pool - Stop Russian Aggression Against Georgia Now!

Anna Barkhudarova sagt:

In games of politics the price of a human life, to my biggest regret, costs nothing, especially if the prizes of the game are oil, power influence, access to the sea, and money. Russia has lost Georgia long time ago and this conflict seems to be the only hope that's left. The question is whether Georgia will be able to use its allies (Bush) to save itself once again. And whether those allies will not use this moment for its own interests, for instance, letting Southern Ossetia, and/or Abkhazia to be dealth with between Russians and Georgians solely, and finally get approval for the attack on Iran from the Kremlin.

This is what i just think from the political point of view...
But to me Georgia will always stay the most beautiful country in the world...which I wished could have stayed out of the political games so that I could have come back to enjoy its nature, culture and food over and over again.

Teo Kokhodze sagt:

We are the young democratic country with an ancient European traditions.
In our country there is war! Russia's aggression has no boundaries. Today, the bombing exposed the civilian population of Georgia throughout the country. Along with the Russian military, the Russian media declared war too. The country imposed martial law. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. Tomorrow must be a peaceful day! Victory for Peace!
We must achieve peace together! We are part of a unified world community!
Let's stop Russia! In this century we might be the first, but you will be the next! We should not repeat the historical mistakes. When Europe is passive, Russia becomes aggressive and reactive..

Supporting Georgia is the salvation of European civilization!

Phantomas sagt:

Russian media is pretty much state controlled and pushing state propaganda. I think it's a common knowledge and doesn't surprise anyone. There have been plenty of examples of "independent" Russian media twisting facts to their benefit in the past several year. Obviously the current situation is not an exception.

For some reason (reading comments on BBC) Russians think that their media is banned in Georgia. Worry not, we see plenty how your TV is brainwashing you.

Expect to see plenty of negative comments for uninformed/ill-informed people.

Contando Estrelas sagt:

EuroNews is making a great exercise of manipulation. A spanish friend said me today that EuroNews has Russian capital, concretely the russian public television RTR. EuroNews is manipulating its news in favor of the Russian invaders. Tell all your contacts in Europe, please!

jelaa sagt:

Motherfuckers 6.oo of morning today they bombed, airport of ''Tbilaviamsheni'' near the Tbilisi

Teo Kokhodze sagt:

Just several minutes ago, Russian aviation has attacked village Urta of Zugdidi region and village Old Abastumani located 6-km distance away from Zugdidi.
According to existing information, one of strategic facilities is bombed in Urta village.
Several shells have been dropped in the village of Old Abastumani as well. This village is densely populated and the base of Russian peacekeepers is also located there.

dare6 sagt:


Remark from the other side

dotspiral sagt:

I am russian. I live in Moscow. Although I deeply hate Putin's regime I do not want to be a victim of any western propaganda. And I want to see things clear.

What I see clear is the following:

1. Saakashvili did to Tskhinvali the same what Putin did to Grozniy in Chechnya, serbians did to Kosovo, etc - he started a mass killing of the civilians with "katyushas" and other heavy weapons. As the result more than 2000 people killed and the city is in ruins. There is no justification for that, no excuse. It is a crime againts humanity.
2. Russian peacekeepers were attacked, some of them killed.
3. 90% of osetians have russian citizenship. I know it's a ruse but it is also a legal fact we must face.

In this conditions Russia had all rights to send its troops to Osetia to stop mass killing of the civilians and peacekeepers who are mostly russian citizens. Even if they were citizens of other country Russia had the same rights - as NATO had the rights to send the army to Kosovo to stop the genocide.

SO we must know who pushed the red button of this war - it was Saakashvili. BUT if you look deep into all the details of the conflict you will see that Georgia is just a weapon in the hands of the West, mainly USA. You are and we are just a part of a very smart plan which steps were also Sep 11, war in Afganistan and Iraq, independence of Kosovo.

Ordinary people like you and me are just blind objects of psychological manipulation. What they want from us is to make us hate each other, kill each other, become the same what they are - demons.

So if you want to stop the war you should first of all realize who are in fact the people in power in your own country. And take that power from them.

more can you find here:


  1. Dear all,
    We call for International intervention ASAP to Stop Russian aggression!
    At this moment, when you are reading this letter, they are bombing peaceful civilians. Several Georgian towns (not situated in the conflict zone!) are being intensively bombed. Thousands of peaceful Georgians got killed. People flee from their homes in Gori and Tskhinvali region and try to find shelter in Tbilisi, the Capital of Georgia that was bombed today early morning.
    What started as a law enforcement operation of Georgian authorities in a breakaway region of South Ossetia now turns into a full scale hostilities with Russian Federation. Russian troops not only entered South Ossethia to back up separatists' regime but started to bomb towns and villages all over Georgia, OUTSIDE the conflict zone. Airports, railway stations, seaports, military basis have been bombed since.
    If we tolerate this, if EU tolerates this, if NATO tolerates this - YOUR COUNTRY CAN BE NEXT! They should strongly condemn the actions by the Russian military forces against the sovereign and independent country of Georgia.
    This is a test for the credibility of the EU and NATO to solve the conflict in its immediate neighborhood and to prove for all EU and NATO members, aspirant countries and democratic partners that it is worth being members and partners of these organizations.

    Please spread the word and share this info with all your contacts as a sign of protest against Russian aggression!

    Let's Stop Russian aggression!

    Best regards to all of you

    Diana Chachua

  2. I have to comment the opinion of the russian person below about the tragic events in Georgia.
    saakashvili has not done what has done putin in Chechenia. I think you forgot about Beslan and the methods of "resolving" conflicts and so called peacekeeping actions with bombs and katiushas.
    Saakashvili did it in Samachablo-the legitime and historical part of Georgia which is occupied by 30 bandits supported by russian government and militians. Chechenia was independent republic, like Georgia and it is different and the comparison is absolutely out of addition Georgian will never do those things neither to osetians nor to abkhazian that were done to chechenian people, women, children and men. If you ever have read the methods of torture and control of soviet army( which is russian army now)you will know that in many cases thay were killing their own soldiers and people to provocate desired conditions.I dont think that it is different now.
    I think that russians absolutely do not care about osetian people, like about abkhazian people-their only interest is their imperial and crazy intentions to rule the word-to be DERJAVA.
    I have to tell you that osetians were brought by Gergian king from the other side of caucasus for living on our teritoy.
    if thay have russian passorts there is a resolution of that-Russia is near and all osetians with russian passports can go to their disired country-Russia.
    If georgians that stay in russia with georgian passports will declare desire of independence in Russia-What will be your first proposal?:)
    The crime against humanity is bombarding Gori, Poti,Khoni,Senaki which is far away from Tskhinvali.
    Russia has to addmit-We do not want to be in community with country wich is not countable and from which is always danger of bombarding and demonsration of musculs and has done lot of sins towards georgia.

    and I think that everybody has to be conserned about proper problems, poresidents, governments and " dirty lingery" and do not dig their nose where they ar not invited. IN this case everything is going to be ok. and there will be a peace in the region.

    please watch this video and enjoy the"peacekeeping" methods of Russians on the Georgian teritory!
    and than give us advises about stopping so called agression!

    I can’t leave this comment and accusation without response:
    The first and the foremost, it has to clear who opened fire and was from Ossetia side, no matter who were there, separatists or Russians. Besides, our villages in Ossetia were shot permanently before this escalation. So it was really enough to stand it any more, limits have been crossed far ago.
    other than that, so called South Ossetia, (though its original name is Samachablo, and even calling that part of Georgia as Ossetia is a crime. There is only one Ossetia and it is at the north of the Caucasus.) cannot demand independence as its our territory, part of Republic of Georgia thus even saying that is silliness. if there are people who doesn’t agree, road is free to north so that they can move to North Ossetia n demand state or whatever they like. If they would like to live here, they have to obey local constitutional rules and regulations.
    Tskhinvali is all demolished, in ruins, with the contribution of Russian side, due to its bombing. Talking about mass killing and blaming Georgian side is nonsense. It was US, who announced ceasefire for 3 hours and made corridor people to be able to leave.

    There is no justification for us??? No excuse??? It is a crime against humanity? Oh, is it???????
    We started shooting civilians, we??? Open your eyes widely and see what is going on around here.
    None has so many weapons and forces as so called Russian Peacekeepers had it in Samachablo. If Russia is want to defend its citizens, take them to Russia and protect, you are welcome.
    Even if it can be counted as weak justification that Russia is defending its citizens, what can be said that about bombing the whole Georgia, different cities of us, such as Gori, Marneuli, Kareli, Senaki, Poti,Zugdidi, Khobi and others as well. Tbilisi was bombed as well, at the peripheral regions. Above-mentioned cities and places have been bombed for several times and bombings are still kept on…

    What explanation or justification can be found or made up for this???? Had Russia any right for this????? NO, of course. How many civilians got injured and killed during all those bombings. Russia is in responsible and in charge of all that. God is Supreme and everyone will be judged as deserved… We all will witness that...

    All in all, We face Russian Aggression, and that’s how it is called. All we do is the protection of our LAND, COUNRY AND CITIZENS.
