Monday, August 18, 2008

HOSTAGE: South Ossetia holds civilian Georgians hostage· Some 131 guest workers abducted during conflict. (

Some 131 guest workers abducted during conflict
Captors hope prisoners could be pawns in swap

Tom Parfitt in Tskhinvali, South Ossetia
The Guardian, Monday August 18 2008

More than 130 Georgian civilians are being held captive by South Ossetian authorities in the regional capital, Tskhinvali, after being rounded up and herded into a single room in the interior ministry headquarters here, the Guardian has learned.
The prisoners, who were plucked off the streets according to their nationality soon after hostilities broke out 10 days ago, are being kept indefinitely in the hope of exchanging them for Ossetian civilians allegedly abducted by Georgian soldiers during the conflict. One interior ministry official confirmed the plan, saying: "We hope there will be an exchange soon."

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