Wednesday, August 13, 2008

NEWS: 11 Aug 08 | Caucasus Reporting Service 452

Peace Talks - But No Sign of Ceasefire
Bombing raids resume as disturbing account of Gori attack emerges. By IWPR reporters in Gori and Tbilisi (CRS No. 452, 12-Aug-08)
Eyewitness: Carnage in Tskhninvali
An Ossetian who was in South Ossetia during the Georgian assault tells her story. By Larisa Sotieva in Vladikavkaz (CRS No. 452, 12-Aug-08)
Russian Army Moves Into West Georgia
Despite Georgian ceasefire offer, Moscow steps up military intervention. By IWPR reporters in western Georgia (CRS No. 452, 11-Aug-08)
Fear and Defiance Mingle on Tbilisi Streets
Rumour adds to the mood of uncertainty gripping the Georgian capital. By Olesya Vartanyan in Tbilisi (CRS No. 452, 11-Aug-08)

IWPR Comment
South Ossetia: An Avoidable Catastrophe
Georgia and Russia have stumbled into a war that need not have happened, and civilians are paying the price. By Thomas de Waal in London (CRS No. 452, 11-Aug-08)

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