Monday, August 11, 2008

NEWS: Georgia News Digest 08-11-08 (pdf)

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news current as of 10:30pm Tbilisi time >>>

A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies

Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)

1. Georgian war: minute-by-minute - August 11
2. Timeline August 10
3. Timeline by 11th of August 07:15
4. Timeline August 9-10
Major news reports
5. Georgia pulls troops from South Ossetia
6. Georgia under all-out attack in breakaway Abkhazia
7. Georgian troops retreat, civilians flee as Red Army advances
8. Russia seizes South Ossetia as wider conflict feared
9. Russia steps up attacks and blockade as Georgians retreat
10. Russia brings war deep into Georgia
11. Russia takes control of South Ossetian capital
12. South Ossetia refugees recall night of fear
13. Russia and Georgia wage PR battle for hearts and minds
14. Georgian breakaway city in ruins
15. Mood shifts in Gori
16. Russian ground forces assault vital Georgian city
17. video: Georgia move fails to halt raids (BBC)
18. video: Russia presses advantage in Georgia conflict (alertnet)
19. Georgian troops withdraw from South Ossetia, Russia bombs Tbilisi airport
20. Georgia offers cease-fire and talks
21. Georgia offers ceasefire as Russian blitz intensifies
22. 'They can do anything now . . . no one will help us'
23. Russia intensifies attack on Georgia
24. Russia keeps up attacks on Georgia
25. Wrath of the Russian bear
26. On slog to safety, seething at West
27. On the streets of the capital, a sense of patriotism mingled with defiance
28. Russian troops in control of main Georgian cities and ports
29. Georgia orders cease-fire as fighting continues
30. Abkhazia: Moscow sends troops into second enclave
31. video: South Ossetia conflict - day Three (RussiaToday)

32. video: Residents flee war zone in their thousands (RussiaToday)
33. We helped in Iraq - now help us, beg Georgians
34. Some weep, some rage as bombs pulverise capital
35. Georgia bows to might of Russia
36. Tbilisi attacked
37. Russia turns screw on Georgia
38. Russia denies bombing Georgian towns
39. Chaos reigns in Georgian rebel city after battle
40. CNN Morning report
41. South Ossetia refugees recall night of fear
Speeches, press conferences, interviews, official statements
42. The War in Georgia is a war for the West
43. Information for press
44. Occupation of Georgia by invading Russian forces
45. Georgian forces "standing firm" around South Ossetian capital – minister
46. Georgia’s statehood under danger, resist enemy everywhere – government tells the nation
47. The occupation of Georgia
48. President Saakashvili's remarks at Georgian Security Council meeting on 9 August
49. Statement from Georgian NSC Secretary Alexander Lomaia
50. The Declaration of Georgian Government for the Abkhaz People
51. Interview of the President by Bob Costas, NBC Sports
52. Beginning of working meeting with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
53. Beginning of the meeting on providing humanitarian assistance to the population of South Ossetia
54. Putin makes statement on South Ossetia crisis
55. Russians open criminal case into peacekeepers' deaths in South Ossetia
56. Press briefing by Press Secretary Dana Perino
57. White House news briefing
58. CNN Late Edition, including Saakashvili interview
Other news items
59. Russia sinks Georgian ship
60. Russia Navy ships repel attack of Georgia missile boats
61. Russian naval ships are staying off coast of Abkhazia to prevent South Ossetian scenario – diplomat
62. Black Sea Fleet interacting with Russian troops in S. Ossetia, no offensive steps taken - Gen. Staff
63. Black Sea Fleet planning Georgia blockade - fleet source
64. Georgia says Russian planes bomb near Tbilisi
65. video: 'Bombed' Tblisi airport welcomes foreign ministers (RussiaToday)
66. Military installation bombed in Tbilisi
67. Overnight air strikes across Georgia
68. Russian aircraft drops bomb in outskirts of Tbilisi
69. Bombardment near Gori
70. Russian fighter jets bomb Tbilisi’s civilian airport
71. Tbilisi airport bombed
72. Tbilisi aircraft plant's airfield bombed
73. Moscow Mayor criticizes western coverage of S. Ossetia
74. Western media give biased coverage of S Ossetia events-Karasin
75. Russia points to media bias in coverage of S. Ossetia conflict
76. Diplomatic relations maintained between Russia, Georgia – Karasin
77. Speaking to Georgian Minister Lavrov Calls for full withdrawal from conflict zone
78. Georgia says troops fighting, not defeated
79. Moscow receives no proposal from Tbilisi on ending hostilities
80. video: 'Russian attack' caught on video (RussiaToday)
81. Georgia calls cease fire
82. video: Georgia-South Ossetia conflict affects neighbouring countries (RussiaToday)
83. video: Ossetians and Abkhazians protest near US embassy in Moscow (RussiaToday)
84. Russian clout prevails in S. Ossetia
85. video: Ossetian mother tells of miraculous escape (RussiaToday)
86. Conflict opens front in the media
87. The innocents suffer once more
88. Letter from Tbilisi: Georgia weathers Russian assault
89. Lavrov will criticize US position on Russia's moves in S. Ossetia – Karasin
90. Russia urges world community to compel Georgia to pledge nonuse of force
91. Moscow following the fate of Russian pilot captured by Georgian side
92. Russia troops do not plan to go beyond S. Ossetia Borders - General Staff
93. Defiant Georgians: 'This is an attack on democracy'
94. video: The ugly face of war – revealed (RussiaToday)
95. Tbilisi resident: Russia isolated us from the world
96. A city transformed … and nothing to do but to sit and wait
97. Peacekeepers say Georgian forces shelling apartments in S. Ossetia
98. Russians push past separatist area to assault central Georgia
99. Russia expands Georgia blitz, deploys ships
100. Russian communists set up pan-cis anti-nato alliance
101. Person issuing order to commit war crimes no partner for Russia-FM
102. A subtropical paradise riven by violence and bad memories
103. Georgian filmmaker lambasts warring leaders
104. Some 2,000 civilians die in South Ossetia, Medvedev tells Sarkozy
105. Georgia flooding Tskhinvali to drive people from basements
106. Russia's use of force in South Ossetia is justified, says party leader
107. Over 1,000 hold protest at Russian embassy in Tbilisi
108. Saakashvili's actions are shortest road to undermine Georgia – diplomat
109. Russian hospitals brace for a new influx of casualties
110. North Ossetia: Update on casualties and displaced civilians
111. video: Russia sends humanitarian aid to South Ossetia (RussiaToday)
112. UNHCR seeks aid access in S. Ossetia
113. Russia to send more aid convoys to S. Ossetia
114. Second hospital to be deployed in South Ossetia – Putin
115. Russia plane with equipment for rescuers lands in Vladikavkaz
116. Funeral of war victims held in Vladikavkaz
117. Russia's ragtag volunteers enrol for combat
118. Did mercenaries help Georgia?
119. video: Hundreds of volunteers head to North Ossetia
120. Russia, Georgia agree on humanitarian corridor
121. Abkhazia utterly rejects dialogue with Tbilisi – Bagapsh
122. Abkhazia plans to "restore order" in Georgia's Zugdidi district - Bagapsh
123. Separatist official denies Abkhazia attacking western Georgia
124. Bagapsh puts responsibility for S. Ossetian war on West and Ukraine
125. Abkhaz attack on Kodori expected
126. Abkhaz frontline town Zugdidi evacuated
127. Abkhazia dispatches troops to Kodori
128. Abkhaz frontline village bombed
129. Russia boosts forces in Abkhazia to 9,000
130. Journalist says Russia has no right to introduce South Ossetia accreditation
131. US journalist said wounded in South Ossetia
132. Two journalists killed in Tskhinvali region
133. Turkish journalists injured in South Ossetia
134. video: Russian journalists beaten up in Georgia (RussiaToday)
135. American journalist and his translator wounded in the conflict zone
136. Fighting sends stocks tumbling
137. Russia targets key oil pipeline with over 50 missiles
138. BP on alert as Russian jets attack pipeline in Georgia
139. Socar to decide on oil exports through Georgia on Monday
140. Georgia downgraded to 'B' on growing conflict with Russia - S&P
141. Nearly caught in the crossfire
142. Georgia-Russian war hits close to home
143. Georgian student fears for family
144. Dancer's pain over Georgia crisis
145. Olympic mood: Thousands of miles away, a gesture of reconciliation
146. Georgia and Russia stay in Olympics, despite threat of war
147. Georgia unrest poses problems for Sochi 2014
International response
148. U.S. drafts UN resolution condemning Russian "assault"
149. Senior UN official briefs Security Council on Abkhaz military build-up
150. US, Russian ambassadors spar at UN over Georgia
151. Russia wants ‘regime change’ in Georgia
152. Heated words but no action on UN Security Council
153. UN urges Russia to halt offensive
154. Violence in 2nd Georgian breakaway territory concerns U.N.
155. Cold War reheated as U.S. and Russia duke it out at the U.N.
156. Paralysis of war grips the U.N.
157. EU maps out diplomatic role in Russia-Georgia clash
158. EU unblocks one million euros in Georgia aid
159. Evacuation gathers pace for foreigners in Georgia: Warsaw
160. NATO chief says Russia used excessive force
161. video: Mission to end Georgia crisis (Sky News)
162. West warns Russia it must end aggression
163. World leaders condemn Moscow
164. Western words fall on deaf Russian ears
165. Georgia retreats, pleads for truce; U.S. condemns Russian onslaught
166. Russia's actions in Georgia could harm U.S. ties
167. Go no further, US tells Russia
168. Georgia asks U.S. to act as mediator
169. U.S. warns Russia over Georgia moves
170. U.S. welcomes Georgia pullback, waits for response from Russia
171. Lavrov told Rice Georgian leader "must go"
172. US suggests Russia wants "regime change" in Georgia
173. Bush, Cheney increasingly critical of Russia over aggression in Georgia
174. video: American says U.S. and Georgia to answer for violence in South Ossetia (RussiaToday)
175. US is flying Georgian troops into battle zone
176. On Georgia vs. Russia, and Obama vs. McCain
177. As Russia goes to war, McCain camp sees benefit
178. Obama vs. McCain on Russia vs. Georgia
179. Russia, Georgia, and McCain’s reckless belligerence
180. Presidential candidates condemn Russian assault
181. Georgia offers real-world test for White House contenders
182. Georgian events coincide with invasion anniversary - Czech ForMin
183. Saakashvili starts conflict killing many innocent-Polish ex-PM
184. Ukrainian foreign minister arrives in Georgia
185. Ukraine says it reserves right to bar Russian navy
186. Azerbaijan suspends flights to Georgia
187. French, Finnish FMs call for ceasefire, troops pullout
188. French, Finnish foreign ministers head to Georgia
189. Cuba backs Cold War ally Russia on Georgia actions
190. Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry give urgent consultations on South Ossetia
191. Emerson issues statements on hostilities in Georgia
192. Denmark: Statement by Foreign Minister Moller on the situation in Georgia
193. German leaders split on placing blame in Caucasian war
194. video: Israel blocks arms sales to Georgia
195. Tbilisi wants to see Israel place pressure on Russia
196. Israel tiptoes around conflict
197. Foreign Ministry seeks lower profile for Israel in Georgia-Russia conflict
198. 2 Israeli firms say they left Georgia before fighting
199. Georgia's Jews now have aliyah on their minds
200. Georgian Jews flee to Israel as clashes with Russia continue
201. Israel MKs maintain diplomatic silence over conflict
202. 'We cut Georgia arms sales months ago'
203. IDF reservists who trained Georgia troops: War with Russia is no surprise
204. Israel concerned over Georgia 'war'
205. This is our Tisha B'Av
206. Jewish Georgian official: Our army has IDF training to thank
207. Turkey prepares for possible evacuation from Georgia
208. Visitors told to avoid Georgia
209. Foreign Office today advised all Britons to leave Georgia
Opinion and analysis
210. Russians out of South Ossetia? Americans out of Iraq and Afghanistan!
211. BBC distorts the news from the Georgia region
212. Moscow's vassal and enemy
213. In search of a free Georgia and South Ossetia
214. Moscow flexes muscles but little will change
215. Back to the USSR
216. The Russian riddle
217. Russia's invasion of Georgia: What to do about Moscow's attack against its neighbor—I
218. Russia's invasion of Georgia: What to do about Moscow's attack against its neighbor—II
219. Russia's move
220. Caucasian war
221. Russian aggression
222. A small war in the Causasus which has huge implications
223. The West must share the blame for war in Georgia
224. ‘Enormous error’ of President Bush’s ‘Georgian protege’: from Poland’s Gazeta Wyborcza
225. Georgia's gamble
226. Your enemy Soros was behind Georgia `democracy' revolution
227. A Russo-Georgian war?
228. Vladimir Putin leads from front to send US a bullish message
229. Russia's cold-war mentality: By going to war with Georgia, Russia is drawing a new Iron Curtain.
230. Russian invasion of Georgia is an east-west tipping point
231. Clumsy Georgian leader left to rue a tragic own goal
232. Georgia is Britain's friend--and a vital route for energy
233. Russo-Georgian conflict is not all Russia's fault
234. Ossetian loyalty to Russia goes back as far as 1801
235. Why the West should stay out
236. Shamed by the loss of empire, Russia is a wounded bear we provoke at our grave peril
237. The brutal revival of realpolitik
238. So why did Georgia blunder into this trap?
239. Much ventured, little gained
240. This is no pipeline war but an assault on Russian influence
241. What could happen next?
242. The west can no longer stand idle while the Russian bully wreaks havoc
243. Georgia at war: Georgia's right to freedom must be protected
244. War in Georgia needs to be stopped before it spreads further
245. We must unite to resist Russian aggression
246. Georgia set the perfect trap
247. Georgian war inevitable say analysts
248. Getting Georgia's war on
249. Keep George out of Georgia
250. History returns to the Caucasus
251. Showdown in Georgia
252. Putin's chess move in Georgia, timed to start of Olympics
253. From Russia with force
254. Military conflict between Russia and Georgia escalates
255. Georgia on My Mind
256. Georgian invasion of South Ossetia sets the stage for a wider war
257. Russia's message
258. In Georgia and Russia, a perfect brew for a blowup
259. Georgia, from the American side
260. America the impotent
261. Georgia and the democracy debacle
262. Russia's geopolitical aims trump investors' concerns
263. Fighting raises the stakes for embattled U.S. ally
264. Kremlin capers
265. War in the Caucasus
266. Russian "Peacekeepers"?
267. Marching Through Georgia II: The Kremlin Surge
268. Must Georgia stand alone?
269. Hypocrisy, delusion, and an entangling alliance
270. Russia Invades South Ossetia in war with Gruzia?
271. War in the Caucasus: Towards a broader Russia-US military confrontation?
272. Russia Georgia war
273. Russia on the rise
274. Russia 'punishing' Georgia for NATO aspirations
275. What is the conflict in Georgia really about?
276. Western concern grows over oil, gas pipes through Georgia
277. With Georgia fight, Russia marks strategic red line
278. Georgia on my mind
279. Nato should press on and give Georgia membership
280. A dirty adventure
281. London pushes World War III
282. Is the Caucasus becoming more Balkanized than the Balkans?
283. Not at all peachy
284. War in the Caucasus
285. Lessons of the Ossetian War: Don’t bait the bear and stop making a fetish out of borders
286. Oil, neocons, cold war and our credibility
287. Local bloggers Global Voices , August 10
288. Georgia-Russia clash: American culpability and the Kosovo connection
289. No, it's not good at all
290. In escalating Russian-Georgian conflict, the cold war is back
291. Russia's air blitz against Georgia
292. The first peace-keeping war Russia and Georgia battle for South Ossetia
293. Russian pundit links South Ossetia escalation to Georgia's NATO ambitions
294. Georgia's volatile risk-taker has gone over the brink
295. Has Georgia overreached in Ossetia?
296. Attacking Ossetia is attacking Russia!
297. video: US partly to blame – ex Georgian FM (RussiaToday)
298. video: Saakashvili’s War August 10, 2008 RussiaToday)
299. Blow to hopes of oil pipeline security
300. Putin's revenge
301. War in Georgia
302. Europe's energy independence: Stake in the Ossetia conflict
303. audio: Armed conflict between Russia and Georgia.

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

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