Monday, August 18, 2008

NEWS: Headlines from this Night!

* Pakistan * Caucasus Institute for Public Accuracy (press release) - 15. Aug. 2008
Kamenshikov is a representative of Nonviolence International focusing on the Caucasus region, where he has worked on peace building activities since 1992.
Crisis in the Caucasus: Ivan Eland - 15. Aug. 2008
by Ivan Eland Despite significant US and Georgian culpability in the crisis in Georgia, most US politicians and media painted Russia as the diabolical ...
EU caught in Caucasian crossfire Sunday Business Post
The West's cold war rhetoric smacks of hypocrisy Sunday Herald
The Neocons And The Soviets Atlantic Online
Germany's Merkel calls for speedy Russian pullout from Georgia
Xinhua - vor 6 Stunden gefunden
Russia declared a halt to its military offensive in Georgia Tuesday after days of conflicts with the Caucasus nation in its breakaway region of South ...
Medvedev: Russia for Security in Caucasus Prensa Latina
So is it war or peace in Georgia?
Khaleej Times - vor 3 Stunden gefunden
Do we finally have peace in the Caucasus after the endless negotiations for a ceasefire by the Europeans and the Americans? Or is it going to be more of the ...
Posted by: Steve LeVine on August 17 BusinessWeek
Crisis in the Caucasus: Ultimately, it is all about oil Vancouver Sun
Putin's Revenge for Kosovo and Iraq in Georgia Dar Al-Hayat
Conflict in Caucasus
Khaleej Times - 16. Aug. 2008
IT IS a tragedy that despite 21st century diplomacy, it takes war or at least the threat of it to prompt serious talks on lingering international issues. ...
A divided West plays into Russia's hands Times Online
Belgian Paper Says US President "Thrown Off Balance" By Caucasus ... RedOrbit
Ankara’s Caucasus initiative to gain impetus this week
Today's Zaman - vor 33 Minuten gefunden
The Turkish capital's initiative to establish a regional stability and cooperation platform to resolve crises in the Caucasus will move forward this week
Conflict in Caucasus
- vor 14 Stunden gefunden
Russia's signing on the ceasefire agreement with Georgia has stopped gunfire in the Caucasus, but peace there seems shaky at best.
Ethnic tensions: War in the Caucasus is Stalin's legacy
Independent - 16. Aug. 2008
Over the other side of the Caucasus Mountains, things are just as volatile. We all know about Chechnya, and the bloody wars that Russia has fought to bring ...
EU credibility is a casualty of this war Financial Times
Stalin's ghost shapes 21st century crises in Europe United Press International
Oil and agression
New world order seen as powers square off on Georgia
Manila Bulletin - vor 7 Stunden gefunden
"Whatever happens now in the Caucasus, relations between Russia and the West (and Russia’s West-leaning neighbors) must surely, from this moment on, ...
The Crisis in the Caucasus Washington Post
The new Cold War: Crisis in the Caucasus
Independent - 16. Aug. 2008
Russia finally signs ceasefire – but no sign of pull-out yet Moscow exploits West's discomfort to the hilt. By Kim Sengupta in Gori, Shaun Walker in Tbilisi ...
Fallout From the Conflict in the Caucasus American Chronicle
[Event of the week] World holds breath as war erupts in Caucasus Sunday's Zaman
The new geopolitics in the Caucasus Turkish Daily News (subscription)
Georgia conflict: How a flat tyre took the Caucasus to war - 16. Aug. 2008
Years of simmering ethnic tensions and East-West brinkmanship helped brew the war that broke out between Georgia and Russia ten days ago. ...
EU and US can still take action in the Caucasus The Herald
The dead waved no flags 21st Century Socialism
Strategic mistake Stabroek News
Situation in Caucasus Still Tense; Conflicting Reports About ...
Sofia News Agency - vor 11 Stunden gefunden
Saturday, after the signing of the European Union plan for resolving the crisis in the Caucasus area by the Russian President, the Russian Foreign Minister ...
Russians In Georgia 'Digging In' Sky News
Funding of Russian Army to be Substantially Increased The Other Russia
Russian cynicism revealed in Caucasus strategy
Financial Times - 15. Aug. 2008
If Moscow was really concerned with Ossetian and Circassian rights, it would allow its own populations in the Caucasus, including Ossetians and Circassians, ...
Russian bombs, Georgian fragments Times Online
Conflict in Caucasus: risk or opportunity for Turkey?
Today's Zaman - 16. Aug. 2008
It wants to join the European Union, but some EU states’ hesitation to expand the bloc up to the Caucasus may have increased due to the Georgian-Russian ...
A Faint Hope in the Caucasus Transitions Online
Turkey faces tough task in energy as political map of Caucasus redrawn Hürriyet
Oil Aspect in South Caucasus Conflict Overstated, Experts Say Deutsche Welle

Georgia is a ‘walk in the park’ for HSBC - compared with Iraq
Times Online - 15. Aug. 2008
While business may be thinner than previously forecast, the margins in the Caucasus are five or ten times as big as in the West. HSBC rarely quits a country ...
Hard Game In The Caucasus Turkish Press
ANALYSIS-"Fire in neighbour's house" has Turkey on edge Reuters
Turkish businessmen concerned over Caucasus conflict Today's Zaman
Era of unipolar world is over, says Turkey
Hindu - vor 4 Stunden gefunden
“There are so many important issues, like the nuclear issue, Iraq, the Caucasus and Afghanistan,” he said. “Iran is definitely having some influence on ...
The war in the Caucasus: looking underneath the propaganda blanket
Report: Russians share 'theories of Western skulduggery in Georgia'
USA Today - 15. Aug. 2008
The Times says Sergei Markov told state-run Vesti FM that Vice President Cheney plotted to cause the crisis in the Caucasus. “George Bush's Administration ...
Call for UK action in Georgia The Press AssociationABC Online - 13. Aug. 2008
The nation's influence over the Caucasus was established in the 18th century as a result of the nation's prolonged struggle with the Ottoman Empire. ...
Caucasus ceasefire holds despite war of words Times Online
Chaos in the Caucasus Salon
Is the Caucasus becoming more Balkanized than the Balkans? Tehran Times
Group: Civilians falling victim in Caucasus
CNN International - 14. Aug. 2008
(CNN) -- Forces for both Georgia and Russia appear to have caused civilian casualties through indiscriminate attacks in the towns of Gori and Tskhinvali, ...
FACTBOX: Casualty tolls in Caucasus conflict Reuters
Georgia, Russia Flare-up in the Caucasus Monday Morning
Attention turns to the plight of Caucasus refugees euronews
A Key to the Caucasus Conflict
ABC News - 14. Aug. 2008
By HILARY BROWN US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is in France today, on her way to the Georgian capital of Tbilisi. Abkhaz soldiers perform rountine ...
The Future of the Caucasus UNPO
Russian warships move in as Caucasus conflict spreads 10/08 14:11 CET euronews
How the Caucasus Erupted Spiegel Online
The great illusion
News roundup: All Caucasus crisis all the time
USA Today - 12. Aug. 2008
Slate says the nation's other major newspapers lead with "the continuing crisis in the Caucasus."Salt Lake Tribune - vor 17 Stunden gefunden
The Nation: Blood in the Caucasus
San Francisco Bay Guardian - 15. Aug. 2008
by John Nichols Did Saakashvili misread senator's March message about "the dangers posed by a revanchist Russia" and Black Sea "solidarity.
North Caucasus Weekly - August 15, 2008 - Volume IX, Issue 32 Georgiandaily - 15. Aug. 2008
True, they have said that some sort of high position in the [North Caucasus Military] District is being prepared for him, but, so far anyway, he’s still our ...
InterAction Members Respond to the Crisis in the Caucasus
MarketWatch - 13. Aug. 2008
A regularly updated list of agencies responding will be available Thursday, August 14th at:
Mass Expulsion in Pakistan: In the Shadow of the Caucasus Crisis
Monthly Review - 15. Aug. 2008
Conflict in Caucasus revives dollar as safe haven
International Herald Tribune - 12. Aug. 2008
Depending on events in the Caucasus, the dollar could benefit more, but the impact of the conflict on oil will also be important. Even were the conflict to ...
'A ceasefire, not a peace deal' Channel 4 News
Britain: Russia faces political seclusion Boston Herald
Change in the Caspian and Near East
PoliGazette - vor 4 Stunden gefunden
The ‘all-track’ offensive comes in response to the war in the Caucasus
Can the Caucasus flames be controlled?
Reuters UK - 11. Aug. 2008
The Caucasus tinderbox is alight again. How far will the flames spread this time and what can the outside world - the United States, the European Union, ...
COMMENT & ANALYSIS Editorial comment Financial Times
The new realpolitik
Scotsman - 16. Aug. 2008
The confrontation in the Caucasus is a major international crisis. Its most menacing aspect is its fluidity.
Soros und der britische Einfluß im georgischen Regime
Neue Solidarität (Abonnement) - 16. Aug. 2008
2003-04 war Lomaia Exekutivdirektor der Open Society Georgia Foundation (Soros Foundation).

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