Monday, August 18, 2008

NOVAJA GASETA: Summer camp for "genatsvale"

2008-08-17 12:46:35

Новая газета
Summer camp for "genatsvale"

Nationalists are going to pass on to all "Georgian Points" in city on Neva The militia prefers to not interfere

In the beginning of this week, the Movement Against Illegal Immigration in Russia has declared, that it is preparing for spot-checks in Georgian cafes, restaurants, casinos and in other places of concentration of the Georgian population in the territory of northern capital. At the same time on the web-pages of nationalistic organizations appeared a post card to the president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev and called to locate Russian resident Georgians in special Camp for refugees or immigrants In fact this means a creation of concentration camps and transformation of Russia to fascism.

Dot impacts on coast of Neva

Now routes of spot-checks is in the process of planning for that we are collecting the information about all property owners who are the citizens of Georgia and are creating a list of those Georgians who live in Petersburg. Today this is not a difficult thing to do, - In Petersburg office of the Movement Against Illegal Immigration it is not a secret the goals and methods of the operation. – The main thing is that the people who live near those spots to be informed which are those Georgians who make money there and about criminal conditions in that area. Our people are not stupid. If they will be informed properly they will decide what to do in order to close those spots.

Accordinding to the members of the Movement Against Illegal Immigration, Inactivity of law enforcement bodies, migratory and power services, has made them to take the initiative.

-Yes this is our initiative, - stated Andrei Kuznetsov, PR manager of the Movement Against Illegal Immigration, when interviewed by the journalist of «Новой». The main goal of our movement is to uphold the interests and rights of indigenous population to which Georgians do not concern. In fat we are in a situation of war between Georgia and Russia and it seems strange for us when on one hand Russian soldiers are dying in S. Ossetia and on the other hand Georgians are making money on our territory. This is like as it was during the war in Chechnya. When we were fighting against Chechens and there were a lot of spots in Russia where Chechens were making money. And who knows where this money was going? maybe by this money they were buying the weapon…

- But you are "kindling" national zones without having any relevant facts and profs.
- We never "kindle" national zones, - says Andrei Kuznetsov.

Passs by ears and escapes punishment

Apparently, given by president Dmitry Medvedev to the head of Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rashid Nurgaliev the special assignment: « the AntiGeorgian campaign should not repeat » — has passed by ears of young nationalists.
— Several days ago the head of the state has ordered: « to not to let the oppression of the foreign citizens living in territory of Russia, especially the citizens of Georgia». We should not let such things happen — Stats Igor Mikhaelov a Public defender from Petersburg.

Young participants of Movement against illegal immigration at least do not try. If not to tell — provoke. Nevertheless the Petersburg militia it does not care.

— ГУВД is not giong to trace spot-checks on the Georgian casinos, cafe and restaurants which Movement against illegal immigration is going to undertake in the near future.— During the interview with "Новой", the press-secretary of ГУВД Vyacheslav Stepchenko has commented that intervention will occur only in the event that during spot-checks infringements of the law will be detected.

In other words — it is abundantly clear that at the worst outcome, The presumption of innocence here does not operate. However the prosecutor could never see the nationalists violating the law..

Lists are not ready yet, and therefore according to those Georgians living in Petersburg, they have nothing to complain, except for fear.

- for this time, the nationalists are quite but they are getting ready and unfortunately it is impossible to predict what they will do and it is impossible to ensure from them.

Dina Davidova

From reference

ДПНИ to the president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev:

«We suggest to intern the citizens of Georgia who are being in territory of the Russian Federation, as the persons who are carrying out prospecting and diversive activity, undermining economy of Russia.

Internment can be in the soft form, those citizens of Georgia can be in a place of the stay in Russia and be marked in corresponding administrative bodies, but it is better to take out them in camp for refugees or immigrants. Such camp it is very easy to develop, and they will not demand many resources».

Direct speech

Yury Vdovin, the vice-president of human rights defender organization « the Civil control »: — Spot-checks? What for so to waste time on trifles?! Give at once we shall damn George Tovstonogova, we shall take down a monument to Damask Bulat Okujave, we shall start to expel Oleg Basilashvili and Vakhtang Kikabidze. It is a shame to me and painful. I did not think, that by 70 years I shall live up to such horror, as enmity with Georgia.

About ДПНИ even to speak oppositely. ДПНИ has only the name decent. Who struggles against illegal immigration? Nobody. But extremist movement against illegal immigration actually is engaged not in it. As a matter of fact it is the fascist organization encouraged and lured by authority which under the control of the state combats not illegal immigration, and kindles national рознь and racial hatred. ДПНИ already repeatedly it would be possible to institute criminal proceedings in it. But till now the greatest punishment for nationalists were душеспасительные conversations with leaders of movement.



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