Wednesday, October 15, 2008

OFF EUROPA: Art Blog by Nadia Tsulukidze & Sophia Tabatadze - Performance, installation, movement, speech.

Khinkali Juice - General Concept

In 2005 Sophia Tabatadze (1977, visual arts) and Nadia Tsulukidze (1976, performing arts/contemporary dance) started working together and combining different art disciplines. These are visual, media, movement, music and speech art forms combined in polyphonic way. In our performance/installations different disciplines play equal roles. The forms are there to supplement and support content and form rather than illustrate or decorate each other. The performances are always site-specific. Each performance is different depending on their reaction as well as characteristics of the space we use. Given that in the past few years borders between different disciplines within the contemporary art became thinner relevance and importance to create interdisciplinary projects grew. The themes of performances deal with social events surrounding us. The problems are not approached directly and aggressively but they go through the artistic processes and gain weight, humor and importance as we go along. The dramaturgy is based on the abstract principle and develops during the working process, mirroring specific social situations. We do not use written scenario beforehand. The themes like male-female dependence, cultural and professional habits, questioning the Georgian toasting traditions, growing importance of the religion in Georgia, the blind copy-pasting from the West etc. are worked on and brought into the discussion.

Projects realized in 2007
• "Let's drink to love!", "Progressive Nostalgia", Centre for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci, Prato, IT
• ”Maiden – Divorced – Spinster”, in collaboration with “Women’s Fund in Georgia”, National Library, Tbilisi, GEO
• “Alterative travel Guide through Georgia”, Theatre festival “Babel”, Amsterdam, NL

Projects realized in 2006
• "Alternative Guide to Georgia and Caucasus" Caucasus Biennale, Tbilisi, Georgia, October 2006 • "Caucasus Game" Festival Est-Ouest, Die, France, September 2006
• "Caucasus Game" Festival Est-Ouest, Die, France, September 2006
• “I was silent” ACCEA (Armenian Centre for Contemporary Experimental Art) Yerevan, Armenia, August 2006
• “All about Lies” Apartment projects, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2006
• “Roof performance”, Roof in Tbilisi urban neighborhood, Tbilisi, Georgia, June 2006 •
• “What do Georgian women do in Istanbul”, Apartment projects, Istanbul, Turkey, April 2006
• “Kilebi da Kalebi”, NAC (National Art Centre), Tbilisi, Georgia, March 2006

Newspaper Articles
Georgia Today / A woman! No Definitions Needed
Aргументы и Факты / Взгяд на гендерные стереотипы
24 საათი / გასათხოვარი, განათხოვარი, გაუთხოვარი
Новые Врмена / Art without borders, but within reasonable boundaries
Flash Art / Aperto Georgia


During the OFF EUROPA Theatre-Festival we show the remarkable videoart by both in the ditorei Galerie in Leipzig. Georgian Table Traditions (Progressive Nostaligia) - curated by Victor Misiano - is very interesting and overcrossing between different daily rules and rites in Georgia. Good stuff for thinking and nevertheless for laughing.

Centro per l'arte contemporaneaLuigi Pecci-Prato

May 2007

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