Wednesday, November 05, 2008

NEWS: 30 Oct 08 | Caucasus Reporting Service 466 until 22 Oct 08 | Caucasus Reporting Service 465

30 Oct 08 Caucasus Reporting Service 466

Georgia: Government Critics Scathing of Reform Push
They say talk of radical democratic reform highlights past failings. By Natia Kuprashvili in Tbilisi (CRS No. 466 30-Oct-08)

22 Oct 08 Caucasus Reporting Service 465

Azerbaijan: Army Hazing Scandal
Arrests made after shocking footage of conscripts being beaten. By Jasur Sumerenli in Baku (CRS No. 465 23-Oct-08)
Armenia: Georgian Refugees Set to Return
Many refugees from August war planning to head home, but still traumatised by their experiences. By Gayane Mkrtchian in Yerevan (CRS No. 465 23-Oct-08)
Karabakh’s Big Wedding Day
Hundreds of couples tie the knot in extraordinary spectacle aimed at reversing entity’s demographic decline. By Karine Ohanian in Stepanakert (CRS No. 465 23-Oct-08)

Project Highlights
Caucasus: Sep ‘08
Azeri and Armenian journalists join Georgian colleagues on trip to improve their understanding of the Ossetian conflict. By IWPR staff (25-Oct-08)

Reporting Impact
Caucasus: Sep ‘08
IWPR report prompts government to help farmers affected by recent hailstorms. By IWPR staff (25-Oct-08)

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