Wednesday, November 05, 2008

PHOTOGRAPHY: Georgia After The War. By Timo Vogt (

Georgian policemen patroling an area at the frontline in Mereti, after witnesses have seen ossetian fighters at the scene. Mereti is located in the so called bufferzone between Gori and Tskhinvali, few days after the withdrawal of the russian forces from the area. The bufferzone was established after a short war in August 2008 as the georgian army assaulted South Ossetia to overthrow the local separatist government.
ort: GEO/georgia/Mereti datum: 2008-10-15

Construction workers erecting a refugee village in the outskirts of georgian town Gori. About 160 houses are under construction at the scene to give shelter to the georgian refugees after the south ossetian war. Several villages this kind are under contruction in Georgia.
ort: GEO/georgia/Gori datum: 2008-10-16

Villagers of Mereti fleeing the conflict zone, after their house were looted and partly burnt out. Mereti is located in the so called bufferzone between Gori and Tskhinvali, few days after the withdrawal of the russian forces from the area. The bufferzone was established after a short war in August 2008 as the georgian army assaulted South Ossetia to overthrow the local separatist government.
ort: GEO/georgia/Mereti datum: 2008-10-15

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Timo Vogt, Fotograf
info[at]randbild[punkt] de

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