Wednesday, December 31, 2008

FINANCE: Bank of Georgia to receive IFC and EBRD support (

The two IFIs to provide the bank with financial package worth up to $200 million.

Tbilisi, Georgia, December 30, 2008—IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and the EBRD are providing a financial package worth up to $200 million to
Bank of Georgia to help the leading bank in the Caucasus region manage the effects of the global financial crisis.

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Major FDIs in Georgia
The FINANCIAL -- Georgia’s strategic geographic location has enabled the country to attract large investments and develop its transit potential during the last decade. Over $ 1 bn has been invested in Georgia for the construction of two of the longest oil and gas pipelines, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzerum , transporting Caspian natural resources to Europe.
Besides transport, other sectors of the economy have also attracted significant amounts of foreign capital.
PMR Polish Research and Consulting group overviewed Major FDIs made in Georgia last years.

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