Saturday, December 27, 2008

MUSIC & MOVING GRAPHICS: Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto

Trioon I - Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto

Ryuichi Sakamoto isn't a caucasian artist but I know some very talented musicians in Georgia with a huge tradition of education in music. Natia Sartania, Koka Nikoladze und Nika Tsereteli are some of interesting people there. The other generation around the artist group "GOSLAB" are famous in other parts of the world. Nika Machaidze, Tusja Beridze and Gogi Dzodzuashvili had concerts in different countries. And artists for visuals can you find here too.

Influences from different parts of the world coming here for a long time. Not only in ealier times ... also in this modern times you can descover many "avantgard"-artists here.

I remembered me that Ryuichi played a Christmas Song. I would like to post this one for the readers here and also in remininces of my meetings with this georgian peoples in the last years ... but now I located this music video. It is amazing!!! Listen it now!

I wish you all a Happy New Year 2009 and last athmospheric days in 2008. Please made a rest!!

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