Saturday, January 03, 2009

LONDON THEATRE BLOG: Georgian Series In Great Britain (

Georgia Series: Hilda
By Jens Peters 31-12-08

The next day of the festival started off with Hilda by French playwright Marie Ndiaye. This production is a collaboration between the Marjanishvili Theatre and the London based company Caravanserai under…

Georgia Series: Beso Kupreishvili’s Fingers Theatre
By Jens Peters 27-12-08

I left A Midsummer Night’s Dream just in time to catch a truly unique show by Beso Kupreishvili’s Fingers Theatre. The company used a well-known Rock music video (the name and…

Georgia Series: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
By Jens Peters 19-12-08

As part of their 80th anniversary celebration and as a precursor of the International Festival in Tbilisi next year, the Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre invited directors, dramaturgs and producers from…

Georgia Series: The Rendezvous
By Jens Peters 16-12-08

London Theatre Blog is pleased to present a series of seven reviews, written by director/dramaturg Jens Peters, of productions at the Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre (Tiblisi, Georgia) as part of…

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