Wednesday, February 25, 2009

MUSIC: Giorgi Janiashvili (

Experimentelle Musik / Elektroakustik / Klassik

Giorgi Janiashvili about himself: I am music composition student at Tbilisi State Conservatoire. I am interested in acoustic and electronic music composition, video art and film, multimedia performance, music theatre, installation art and contemporary dance. I have loved jazz, avant-garde music and art in general since my childhood. I often passed my time as a child in copying geometrical abstractions of avant-garde artists (Mondrian, Malevich) in computer. My mother is a professor of art and she often spoke to me about Kandinsky, Picasso, Miro, Klee, Pollock and other great artists. My father is an architect, my brother is a computer graphic designer. When I was born the Georgian avant-garde artist IRAKLI PARJIANI created a painting for me on which he made an inscription: "TO GIORGI, WHO HAS NEWLY DESCENDED FROM STAR!" Under these circumstances I have developed a perception of visual aesthetics. Music has always been the greatest thing for me. I passed hours in listening to Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Joe Zawinul, Weather Report, Herbie Hancock, Keith Jarrett, etc. I have been fond of electronic sounds since my childhood. I began learning to play the piano because I wanted to play on a synthesizer. Under the influence of Miles Davis I took trumpet lessons along with piano lessons. John Cage and his book "Silence," especially Karlheinz Stockhausen, also Stravinsky, especially his ballet Sacre Du Printemps, as well as Iannis Xenakis, John Zorn, Frank Zappa...have deeply influenced me and predetermined my decision to become a composer. Cinematography and theatre had also a great impact on me, particularly such directors as Peter Greenway, Andrei Tarkovsky, David Lynch, Lars Von Trier, Robert Sturua. Of great influence were Christianity and Zen Buddhism. The political and social situation in my country affected me deeply as well.

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