Wednesday, February 25, 2009

RELATIONS: South Caucasus integration: alternative start (

In May 2007, as an example of good news from the South Caucasus, I wrote about the joint initiative of Armenian and Azeri press clubs to launch common website Writers vs Conflicts. Sadly, this site no longer exists. Its aim was to provide a platform for a dialogue between sides using a literature to re-create bridges between nations. The site was intended to serve as a forum for discussions on various topics.
There is, however, similar initiative involving all South Caucasus countries, both recognised and unrecognised: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Karabakh, Abkhazia, South Ossetia.

My impression of the site is very positive. Honest and thought-provoking discussions, reports, interviews, publications. Recommend it.

Check out a very recent interview (in Russian) with the author of Artush and Zaur Alekper Aliyev. Must read.

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