Thursday, February 05, 2009

VIDEO: Portrait Paintings of Gedolim - Jewish Rabbis & More (

About the Artist:

Sigalit Ashvil-Bibi was born in Kutaissi, Georgia, in the USSR, in 1952. She graduated from the high school of Music and Art in Kutaissi, USSR, in 1969, and from the Academy of Arts, in Tbilisi, USSR, in 1973. She served an apprenticeship with a well-known professor in art, Mordechai Dzanashvili, from 1973-1983, and continued her art training at the New York Academy of Art from 1991-1993.

Ashvil is a realistic painter & takes great liberties with being a realist, as her aim is not to reproduce a likeness, but to paint the subject with a soul and give the viewer an inner vision of whom the subject is.

Today, being multi-talented as a piano teacher, having more than 35 years of experience, she is a beginner, intermediate and advanced specialist with a special approach for individual needs. She continues to exhibit her works with each of her annual recitals. She is a subject of biographical record in the Who's Who in American Art and Who's Who in the World for her outstanding achievements.

Today she is highly recognized in both Israel and the U.S.A. for her diversity and ingenuity, especially in portrait painting.

When asked about her greatest accomplishments, Ashvil immediately points to her rabbinical portraits:

"I want my art to capture the essence of the soul of all that is good and true, so that people can catch at least a glimmer of it and pursue it in their lives."

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