Tuesday, March 03, 2009

BLOG: "Major cause of Azeri March constitutional referendum revealed- opposition paper" (flyingcarpetsandbrokenpipelines.blogspot.com)

The following article appeared in BBC Monitoring- Former Soviet Union news.

"Infighting and sharp strife over who will be the next president of Azerbaijan are believed to be the major reason for the unscheduled 18 March 2009 referendum, Azerbaijani opposition newspaper has said quoting its sources. The ruling New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) has proposed constitutional amendments that would remove the article barring the president from serving more than two consecutive terms, thereby paving the way for Ilham Aliyev's re-election in 2013. Prior to this decision, efforts were underway, according to the article, to set up a team for the country's first lady to become a president after 2013. However, the ruling NAP thwarted plans calculated for the first lady, initiating amendments to the constitution to clear all the legal obstacles for the incumbent president to run for the post in 2013. The following is the text of Maqsud Mahrizli, A. Aras report by opposition Azerbaijani newspaper Yeni Musavat on 26 February headlined "Vasif Talibov funds Boyuk Daya! q" and subheaded "Shocking reports about the brand new pro-government party. Secret battle is underway between the two new pro-government parties"; subheadings have been inserted editorially:

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