Wednesday, March 25, 2009

BLOG: Russia, Iran and Georgia: The New Great Game

The Caspian Sea Connection: Iran’s nukes, the war in Georgia, and the New Great Game
by Stephen Smith

(original to La Russophobe)

In Obama’s first television interview, given to al-Arabiya, he said of Iran: “If [they] are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from us.” Presumably at least a couple of fingers on this “clenched fist” that Obama speaks of represented Iran’s nuclear ambitions – an issue which has taken on an added urgency as UN officials reported recently that Iran is closer to having enough highly-enriched uranium to make a bomb than previously thought.

Unfortunately, though, Obama is unlikely to have much more success in dismantling Iran’s nuclear program than Bush did, since he doesn’t recognize the root cause of Iran’s nuclear ambitions: Russia’s ambitions for the Caspian Sea region.

full article >>>

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