Tuesday, March 17, 2009

EXHIBITION: Picasso to Come to Georgia (geotimes.ge)

When asked “When will you be exhibited in Tbilisi?” the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso reportedly answered that there was no point in exhibiting his work in Georgia because the Georgians already had the great Pirosmani. As the Georgian National Museum has already sent Pirosmani paintings abroad however, it can now afford to host Picasso here.

40 Picasso masterpieces will come to Georgia and be exhibited here from May 30 to September 6. The collection comes from the Zervos museum in Vezelay in Yonne, France.

According to the National Museum of Georgia, the main organiser of the event, « the exhibition is a large scale one and unprecedented for Georgia. It is expected to provoke tremendous interest both in Georgia and in international circles. The exhibition will not only be interesting for our citizens but tourists. We are sure that the exhibition will attract an unprecedented number of visitors during these 4 months. »

Picasso’s works will be first exhibited at the Sighnaghi Museum from May 30 to June 23. Then Tbilisi Arts Museum will host the masterpieces from June 28 till August 2. They will then be in Batumi Arts Museum from August 8 to September 6. The Georgian National Museum will also hold a programme of lectures about Picasso for all ages.

full article >>>

Mariam Chubinishvili, Georgian Times
2009.03.16 12:32

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