Thursday, March 05, 2009

FELLOWSHIP: Wider Black Sea Region, Stockholm (

FELLOWSHIP- Wider Black Sea Region, CACI/SRSP, Stockholm

Wider Black Sea Region Fellowship
Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program Joint Center Institute for Security and Development Policy, Stockholm

Application deadline: March 1, 2009
Starting date: Spring/Summer, 2009

The Institute for Security and Development Policy is currently accepting applications for a remunerated research stay in Stockholm, Sweden. The Fellowship will be under the auspices of the Institute's Silk Road Studies Program, which constitutes a Joint Center with the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Johns Hopkins University-SAIS.

The Fellowship will support a research stay of up to 12 months for an outstanding scholar in the early stages of an academic/think tank career on issues relating to security and development in the Wider Black Sea Region (primarily the South Caucasus, Turkey, Ukraine and Moldova). The successful candidate will be expected to participate in the Institute's ongoing research projects on security and energy in the region, including the coordination of these projects, while also
being provided the opportunity to undertake his/her own independent research. A specific work plan will be designed jointly by the Institute and the successful applicant.

The successful candidate should hold a PhD in Social Sciences or Humanities (received no earlier than 2005 and have previous experience in research on the Black Sea region. Fluency in English is a requirement. Knowledge of Turkish, Russian, and other local languages is desirable.

The fellowship award will be competitive in terms of remuneration with post-doctoral positions. While specific arrangements are subject to dialogue with the successful applicant, the Institute will offer travel costs to and from Sweden, accommodation in the Stockholm area and a monthly stipend. The fellowship will be provided subject to
approval of funding.

The application should include the following components:
- A cover letter detailing the applicant's aims for the Fellowship, and a brief abstract of the independent research the applicant proposes to undertake;
- Curriculum vitae (including a comprehensive list of publications);
- Electronic versions of three article-length publications that the applicant considers his/her most important products;
- 2 letters of recommendation.

Deadline for applications is March 1, 2009. Applications should be sent by email to

Questions about the program should be directed to Johanna Popjanevski, Deputy Director, at, +46-734-150054.

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