Saturday, April 11, 2009

NEWS: 03 Apr 09 until 10 Apr 09 | Caucasus Reporting Service 487 und 488 (

Turkey Keeps Armenia Guessing Over Border Blockade
If Ankara is serious about putting relations with Yerevan onto a new footing, it will reopen the border crossings it closed in 1993. By Tatul Hakobian in Yerevan (CRS No. 488, 10-Apr-09)
Azeri Enclave Puts Lid on Dissenting Voices
Locals in isolated Nakichevan say authorities there have ways of ensuring complaints don’t reach Baku. By Idrak Abbasov in Nakhichevan (CRS No. 488, 10-Apr-09)

Georgia Opposition Brush Aside Call for Dialogue
Confident they can mobilise the masses on April 9, president’s foes dismiss calls for talks as too late in the day. By Tamar Kadagidze in Tbilisi (CRS No. 487, 3-Apr-09)

Armenia: Officials Try to Spin Court Setback
They say it shows they don't go after opposition-supporting businessmen - though claim sounds hollow. By Sara Khojoian in Yerevan (CRS No. 487, 8-Apr-09)
Bridge to Russia Costs Azeris a Fortune
On the so-called Golden Bridge, which crosses the river dividing Azerbaijan and Russia, huge sums change hands daily. By Seymur Kazimov in Yarag Kazmalyar CRS No. 487, 6-Apr-09)

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