Friday, April 24, 2009

NGO: Civil Society Institute (

CSI is one of the leading NGOs in Georgia, known for high performance and wide scope of activities. Established in 1995 CSI facilitates the formation and development of civil society and democratic state by promoting democratic values and the rule of law, educating social actors and increasing their civic activity, and creating a facilitating legal environment for civil society organizations.
CSI aims at fostering of legal environment conductive to the formation of a rule of law state and civil society; support of economic development and reducing poverty; raising legal awareness and establishment of respect to law; support of good governance, including development of local government and decentralization of power; elaboration of effective public policy and improvement of administration; increase of civic activity; advocating citizens’ interests; development of civil society organizations; support of educational reform. CSI has 9 year experience in facilitating CSO development and improving their operating environment. CSI has drafted and lobbied all not-for-profit legislation in Georgia. SCI helps Civil Society Organizations in General and Financial management and legal and tax compliance issues. Since 1996 CSI provides consultations and trainings in the field.
CSI has been actively involved in law-making process since 1996. Five out of six laws drafted by our experts has been enacted by the Parliament. Besides these, 200 drafts laws has been reviewed and 5 laws in force has been monitored by CSI experts. Implementation of the Transparent and Accountable Government project has witnessed most intense collaboration of CSI with the Parliament, Ministries and Adjara Supreme Council – most drafts in 2004-2005 were reviewed and lobbied during the committee hearings by our experts. SCI has strong capacity of advocating and lobbing as well. The organizations’ capacity in this area has increased considerably in the last four years. Implementing Citizens Advocate! Program (CAP) CSI has conducted particularly targeted and effective lobbying campaign resulting in inclusion of the tax deductions for charity contributions clauses to the text of the new tax code.
SCI is actively involved in the process of reformation of governmental organizations and state institutions. In this regard the organization has collaborative agreements and well established contacts with the Parliament of Georgia, High Council of Adjara, Supreme Court of Georgia, the Ministries of Justice, Finance, Economic Development, Education and Science, Environment Protection and Natural Resources and Labour, Health and Social Affairs as well as with Tbilisi, Batumi and Poti City Administrations.
SCI is experienced in crafting effective policies and monitoring their implementation. Lately our experts advised Tbilisi Administration, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Employment Agency in developing policies on appropriate issues. CSI monitored several state polices and developed reports.
SCI actively supports court reform in the country. In 1999-2001 CSI assisted the Supreme Court by providing brochures containing laws and other normative acts in order to eliminate serious deficit of legal documents in the 64 regional courts of Georgia. In 2002-2005 CSI, in cooperation with the Supreme Court and Ministry of Justice, for first time in Georgia created and published unified Register of noncommercial organizations.
SCI is actively involved in poverty reduction process. The organization accumulated good experience in supporting small and medium business through lobbying appropriate legal environment, advocating their interests, providing consultations and trainings. SCI has developed schemes for increasing population formal employment security and poverty reduction.
SCI has 10 year experience in multi-component grant management. Since 1995 CSI has implemented more than 30 projects. Grants received in 2005 fiscal year exceeded 300 000 USD. Through reforms conducted in 2001-2003 the organization developed effective management structure headed by the volunteer board and executive director. Internal regulations, manuals on accounting policy, human resource policy and procedures, procurement policy and driving policy are on place.

Civil Society Institute Annual Reports:
2008 Annual Report .
2007 Annual Report .
2006 Annual Report .
2005 Annual Report:
Part I, Part II, Part III;
2003 Annual Report .

Homepage in english:
Homepage in georgian:

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