Monday, April 06, 2009

STUDIES: ACNIS Brief: The Military Balance of Power in the South Caucasus. (

Armenian Center for National and International Studies
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April 1, 2009

ACNIS Presents New Policy Brief on `The Military Balance of Power in
the South Caucasus.'

Yerevan, April 1, 2009-- The Armenian Center for National and International Studies (ACNIS) convened a special roundtable seminar discussion to present a new special publication entitled, `The Military Balance of Power in the South Caucasus.'

Welcoming the participants and attendees, ACNIS Director Richard Giragosian explained that the new ACNIS report, the second in a series of ACNIS Policy Briefs, examines recent shifts in the military and security situation in the region, including a specific focus on developments since the August 2008 war in Georgia. He further noted that the report includes an assessment of the current state of the Azerbaijani military, and an analysis of the implications for the security of Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh.

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