Monday, May 04, 2009

BLOG: Religious Invasions

Modern Day Crusaders: The Ashkenazi Spearhead (April 27, 2009)

Brief Ancient history: The many waves of Crusading forces assembled in Medieval Europe with the avowed purpose of recapturing the Holy City of Jerusalem from the hands of the “Infidels” the Moslems were mainly of trading nature: they were meant of securing the spice and perfume routes of India and the Far east Asia via Egypt.

The Crusaders failed to capture Egypt and the objective of investing money in order to securing cheaper spices and perfumes that were transported by land routes through Iran and Turkey did not generate any return and the campaigns stopped.

The maritime crusading campaigns restarted in the 17th centuries by Portugal and Spain; India and the Far Eastern Asian sources of spices, perfume, and gold were colonized and maritime stronghold ports were established around Africa, India, Yemen, and the Persian/Arabia Sea.

The British recaptured most of these colonies and “trading comptoirs” and secured the direct administration of Egypt.

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