Friday, May 15, 2009

PIPELINE: EU's Southern Corridor Summit Endorses Nabucco Project (

Following the formal launch of the Eastern Partnership Initiative on Thursday, May 7, the Czech government, which currently holds the EU's rotating presidency, hosted another high-profile event - the Southern Corridor-New Silk Road Summit - on Friday, May 8. Attended by the heads of states of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, this summit registered a significant headway towards the formalization of the Southern Corridor concept, which envisions the creation of multiple pipelines supplying natural gas from the Caspian Sea and the Middle East to the European markets. In particular, in a sign of the EU's increased aspiration to reduce its energy dependence on Russia, the energy summit in Prague marked considerable advancement in the direction of the realization of the Nabucco pipeline project, which is depicted in the map below.

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