Sunday, June 28, 2009

ARTICLE: U.S.-Russia Moscow Summit Presents Last Opportunity to Avoid War in Georgia (

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 6 Issue: 122
June 25, 2009 01:31 PM Age: 3 days
Category: Eurasia Daily Monitor, Home Page, Foreign Policy, Military/Security, Russia, Georgia, Featured
Pavel Felgenhauer

During the summit between presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev in London on April 1, it was decided in the words of Obama, "to prepare by the end of this year a legally binding and sufficiently bold" new nuclear arms control agreement to replace the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), which expires in December. It was provisionally planned that during Obama's visit to Moscow beginning on July 6, a framework agreement outlining a new START treaty will be endorsed (EDM, April 9).

full article >>>

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