Sunday, August 23, 2009

JOURNAL: "Der Abschied von den Imperien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert (The Parting from Empires in the 20th and 21st Centuries)"

"Der Abschied von den Imperien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert (The Parting from Empires in the 20th and 21st Centuries)" - A special issue of the "Forum fuer osteuropaeische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte"

Dear colleagues,
we would like to bring to your attention the just released special issue of our German-language printed journal "Forum fuer osteuropaeische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte (Forum for Contemporary
East European Ideas and History)," vol. 13, no. 1, 2009, at The first section of this issue is devoted to the decline of empires since the late 19th century. Our journal's next issue, to be released in early 2010, will focus on the same topic.

Please, find below the latest issue's list of contents:


Leonid Luks
"Einfuehrung (Introduction)," p. 7

I. Der Abschied von den Imperien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert: Mittel- und osteuropaeische Erinnerungen (The Parting from Empires in the 20th and 21st Centuries: Central and East European Memories)

Karsten Ruppert
"Der Untergang der Imperien im Ersten Weltkrieg und die Folgen fuer Europa (The Downfall of Empires During World War I and Its Repercussions for Europe)," p. 11

Vladimir Kantor
"Der kulturphilosophische Nationalismus als Ausloeser der russischen Reichskrise an der Wende des 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert
(Cultural-Philosophical Nationalism as a Trigger for the Russian Imperial Crisis at the Turn of the 19th Century to the 20th Century. Transl. from Russian by Dagmar Herrmann)," p.. 49

Aygul Ashirova
"Die politische Ideologie der Jungtuerken: Osmanismus oder Panturkismus? (The Political Ideology of the Young Turks: Osmanism or Pan-Turkism?)," p. 65

Heinz Huerten
"Die Sehnsucht nach dem 'Reich' in der Weimarer Republik (The Yearning for 'Empire' in the Weimar Republic)," p. 77

Alexei Rybakov
"Rom und Reich in der Dichtung von Osip Mandel’štam (Rome and Empire in the Poetry of Osip Mandelstam)," p. 91

II. Zeitgeschichte (Contemporary History)

Zaur Gasimov
"Demokraten oder Nationalisten? Zur Dissidentenbewegung im sowjetischen Suedkaukasus am Beispiel Georgiens und Aserbaidschans (Democrats or Nationalists? The Dissident Movement in the Soviet Southern Caucasus & the Cases of Georgia and Azerbaidshan)," p. 107

Andreas Umland
"Das Konzept der 'unzivilen Gesellschaft' als Instrument vergleichender und russlandbezogener Rechtsextremismusforschung (The Concept of 'Uncivil Society' as an Instrument of Comparative and
Russia-related Research into the Extreme Right)," p. 129

III. Memoiren (Memoirs)

Bernhard Schleissheimer
"Russland in meinem Leben: Aus den Erinnerungen eines alten Mannes. Teil II (Russia in My Life: Memories of an Old Man. Part II)," p. 149

IV. Buchbesprechungen (Book Reviews), p. 191

Erwin Oberlaender und Volker Keller (Hrsg.), Kurland â€" Vom polnisch-litauischen Lehensherzogtum zur russischen (Courland â€" From a Polish-Lithuanian to a Russian Duchy). Reviewed by G. Frhr. v.

Boris Chazanov: Vcherashniaia vechnost': Fragmenty XX stoletiia (Yesterday's Eternity: Fragments of the 20th Century); Ejtan Finkel'shtein: Labirint (Labyrinth). Reviewed by L. Luks

In Memoriam
Prof. Dr. Peter Krupnikow (19.03.1920-20.02.2009), p. 201
Dr. Albert Bruer (12.04.1946-16.04.2009), p. 205

The journal is published bei Boehlau Press and available at: as well as via

Please, feel free to forward, publish or post the above information.

The Editors
Prof. Leonid Luks, Dr. Alexei Rybakov, Dr. Andreas Umland
Institute for Central and East European Studies
The Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Bavaria

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