Sunday, August 16, 2009

WEB: Web: Handbook "Volunteering in Georgia" (

Sebastian Schweitzer

If you plan to move to Georgia, an English guide for supporting the cultural and logistic integration of foreign volunteers (or workers) was developed by the Academy for Peace and Development based in Tbilisi. Written by two of their workers, both former European Volunteers, Sebastian Schweitzer and Tiphaine Coulardeau, the handbook aims at promoting volunteering in Georgia and supporting successful projects for enhacing Georgian development.
It has been published in Tbilisi in October 2008. Digital versions are available on on the website of the organisation

Volunteering in Georgia - A Handbook "Georgia is a mysterious country for most people all around the world. This handbook is dedicated to all brave young people just dreaming or already packing to confront themselves to their Georgian adventure to come as European Volunteers.
Reading this booklet will give these newly-hatched volunteers some sense of orientation in the confusing reality of their new environment with plenty of unknown events, circumstances, encounters, haps and mishaps in a sonic dramatic decor of particularly obscure expressions like ... Marshrutka, Giorgoba, Mtskheta, Khvanchkara..."

Best regards,

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