Tuesday, September 22, 2009

NEWS: 18 Sep 09 | Caucasus Reporting Service 511 (iwpr.net)

“Judo Diplomacy” Eases Karabakh Tensions
Bid to improve Turkish-Armenian ties started with a football match, so could Judo tournament do same for Armenia and Azerbaijan?
By Gegham Vardanian in Yerevan (CRS No. 511, 18-Sep-09)
Karabakh Villagers Yearn for Normal Life
For Azeris living close to frontline the war is an ever-present fact.
By Joshqun Eldaroglu in Alkhanli CRS No. 511, 18-Sep-09)
Georgians’ War Anger Vented at Stalin Monument
But reluctance to remove figure from town damaged in August war reflects nation’s ambivalence towards dictator.
By Natia Kuprashvili in Gori (CRS No. 511, 18-Sep-09)

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