Thursday, September 03, 2009

PHOTORAPHY: Amazing Slideshow with photos from Justyna Mielnikiewicz - honored at Perpignan (

Erin Cunningham a Gaza-based freelance print and photojournalist sent me in twitter this great new link about photos from one of my favourite photographers from the South Caucasus. I am so thankful to Erin for this amazing stuff from Justyna Mielnikiewicz!

Showcase: Neighborly Hatred
James Estrin

PERPIGNAN, France — If you want to understand why Justyna Mielnikiewicz has spent eight years photographing border disputes and ethnic conflicts in the South Caucasus, you should know two stories from her childhood.


This eight-year journey has now brought Ms. Mielnikiewicz to the Visa pour l’Image photojournalism festival in France, where she is to receive the Canon Female Photojournalist Award on Saturday. It is presented by the French Association of Female Journalists and includes a prize of 8,000 euros ($11,418) that will enable Ms. Mielnikiewicz to finish a project that will be exhibited at next year’s festival in Perpignan.
Ms. Mielnikiewicz photographed the war in South Ossetia for The Times. Her coverage included an audio slide show, “
Photographers Journal: Fleeing the Georgian Conflict” and her pictures appeared in “Conflict in South Ossetia.”

full text with the great slideshow (19 photos) >>>

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