Friday, February 05, 2010

SCIENCE: Vol. 4 (1) - Winter 2010 issue of the Caucasian Review of International Affairs (CRIA) (

Vol. 4 (1) - Winter 2010 issue of the Caucasian Review of International Affairs (CRIA) is now available on-line at

The Table of Contents of the Issue is attached below.

Deadlines for submissions for CRIA’s Spring 2010 issue and Summer 2010 issue are March 15, 2010 and June 15, 2010, respectively. CRIA accepts articles from authors as original contributions. Submission guidelines can be viewed at .

Yours Faithfully,

Nasimi Aghayev

Caucasian Review of International Affairs
ISSN: 1865-6773

VOL. 4 (1) - WINTER 2010


-Note from the Editor-in-Chief (pp. 1-2)
Nasimi Aghayev (


-Russia’s Pragmatic Reimperialization (pp. 3-19)
by Janusz Bugajski (

-Puzzles of State Transformation: The Case of Armenia and Georgia (pp. 20-34)
by Nicole Gallina (

-Russia’s National Security Strategy to 2020: A Great Power in the Making? (pp. 35-42)
by Sophia Dimitrakopoulou & Andrew Liaropoulos (

-International Language Rights Norms in the Dispute over Latinization Reform in the Republic
of Tatarstan (pp. 43-56)
by Dilyara Suleymanova (

-European Foreign Policy after Lisbon: Strengthening the EU as an International Actor (pp. 57-72)
by Kateryna Koehler (


-The Fall of the Berlin Wall: Twenty Years of Reform (pp. 73-81)
by Aleksandr Shkolnikov & Anna Nadgrodkiewicz (

-Kazan: The Religiously Undivided Frontier City (pp. 82-86)
by Matthew Derrick (


“The Current Trend of the Kremlin is to Rather Formally Distance itself from the North
Caucasus” (pp. 87-90), Interview with Dr. Emil Souleimanov, Charles University,
Prague, Czechia (


-“The Guns of August 2008: Russia’s War in Georgia”, edited by Svante E. Cornell and
Frederick Starr (pp. 91-96)
Review by Till Bruckner (

-“The Caucasus: An Introduction” by Frederik Coene (pp. 97-98)
Review by Alexander Jackson (

-“When Empire Meets Nationalism. Power Politics in the US and Russia” by Didier Chaudet,
Florent Parmentier & Benoît Pelopidas (pp. 99-100)
Review by Samuel Lussac (

CRIA is a Germany-based quarterly peer-reviewed online academic journal. The Review is committed to promote a better understanding of the regional affairs by providing relevant background information and analysis, as far as the Caucasus in general, and the South Caucasus in particular are concerned. CRIA also welcomes lucid, well-documented papers on other countries and regions including especially Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe, as well as on all aspects of international affairs, from all political viewpoints. CRIA is indexed/abstracted in Columbia International Affairs Online, ProQuest Research Library, EBSCOhost Political Science Complete, Directory of Open Access Journals, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, etc.

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