Monday, March 08, 2010

CALL: 5-year programme from ACADEMIC SWISS CAUCASUS NET - ASCN (

The ACADEMIC SWISS CAUCASUS NET (ASCN), launched in 2009 and funded by GEBERT RÜF STIFTUNG, is a 5-year programme aiming at promoting and strengthening social sciences and humanities in the South Caucasus. For this purpose, and besides capacity building trainings and scholarships, funding is provided for research projects conducted by researchers from the region.

The ASCN Management presently launches a call for proposals in social sciences, open to researchers from and resident in Georgia. The research topics/project proposals to be submitted should be relevant to transition themes, and they should address and deal with specific issues at stake. Furthermore, the proposals must fit into the umbrella topic "Transformation, Identities and Social Capital"

Budget line: Swiss Francs (CHF) 20'000 maximum per year.
Maximum duration: 2 years
Application deadline: 7 June 2010
For detailed information:

Thank you for widely disseminating this information.

Best regards, Denis Dafflon


Denis Dafflon
Programme Coordinator
University of Fribourg / Interfaculty Institute for Central and
Eastern Europe (IICEE)
Bd de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg/Switzerland
Phone: +41 26 300 79 82
Mobile: +41 79 303 43 44

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