Friday, April 30, 2010

ART: CCA - Center of Contemporary Art - Tbilisi (

Center of Contemporary Art – Tbilisi is newly founded independent institution in Georgia. Main actual step is to make initial renovation of the CCAT premises. The strategy of initiators is to perceive this space as an international community project.

Location: 10, D. Abashidze st.

CCAT Building at Mtkvari River

Georgia has a new Center of Contemporary Art in Tbilisi. We believe it is of crucial importance to have an independent and open institution, which will work on the development and contextualization of contemporary visual culture and help artists to effectively address their creative products to local and international audiences.
Georgia is still in the midst of transformation from state-owned and managed system to private, which should lead to construction of a modern state.
The CCAT, as a private and independent institution, will act as a creative hub in Georgia, linking with similar organizations around the world. As a privately run art institution, CCAT will focus both on analytic reflection of past and strong commitment to creative work.

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