Sunday, September 05, 2010

CONFERENCE: "European Security and the Caucasus" - October 17-21, 2010 in Florence, Italy (

The main focus of the conference will be directed, on one hand,toward the Caucasian security and the role of Europe in this, on theother, toward the place of the Caucasus in the process of creation ofEuropean security architecture, and the threats originating from thisregion. At the same time, attention will be paid both tointraregional processes and problems (conflicts, poverty,deficiencies of governance, democratisation, interethnic relations,etc.), and to external geopolitical and geostrategic factors, suchas: strategic agendas of neighbouring countries and other regionalactors, world economic crisis, emergence of religious radicalism,etc.

Following sessions will take place at the conference:
¢ Internal and external threats to security in the Caucasus:,
¢ New architecture of European security and the Caucasus,
¢ Conflicts in the Caucasus and the prospects for their resolution,
¢ Religion, culture and ethnicity in contemporary globalised world,Europe and the Caucasus,
¢ Democratic transformation in the Caucasus and the European 'softpower',
¢ Images and perceptions of the countries and the peoples of theCaucasus in European societies and political elites,
¢ Legacy of the past: history of the Caucasus and its impact on thecurrent situation and the future of the region,

Paper proposals of no longer than 250 words should be send toorganizersby 25th of August, 2010, along with the following information:

author's full name (and that of co-author's, when relevant), city andcountry, organizational affiliation, e-mail, and, paper title. Pleasealso indicate, in which section you would like to participate, andwhether you will need any equipment.

The abstracts should be sent tothe following addresses:

Working languages of the Conference are: English, Russian, and Georgian.
The duration of paper presentations should be limited to 10-15minutes., The organising committee is not supposed to cover anyaccommodation or travel expenses, but will provide necessaryassistance with finding suitable accommodation.

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