Wednesday, September 08, 2010

EXHIBITION: Paradise at Proteus Gowanus with Georgian Artist Lado Pochkhua (

Please join us for the opening exhibition of our new yearlong theme


Friday, September 10, 6:30-8:30 pm

Music provided by our Heavenly DJ, Friese Undine
Refreshments will be served

Whether a garden of innocence or a heaven that only the chosen few can enter, the concept of paradise has entranced us across cultures and eras. In stark contrast with the daily grind, Paradise calls to us and we respond with our imaginations. Pliny the Great added to his idyllic description of the Islands of the Gods: "These islands, however, are greatly annoyed by the putrefying bodies of monsters, which are constantly thrown up by the sea." And this is, indeed, the paradox of paradise: for every heaven, there must be a hell.

This year, Proteus Gowanus will explore the theme Paradise, examining the light and the dark sides of this alluring word and inviting our friends and visitors to join us as we roam with irony, sensuality and longing in search of paradise.

Paradise Artists:
Angelo Bellfatto, Diane Bertolo, Svetlana Boym, Dominique Cooper, Ernst Haeckel, John Hudak,
Okay Karadiyalar, KC Lack, Eva Melas, Lado Pochkua, Lance Rutledge, Adine Sagalyn, Erik Schurink, Suzan Shutan, Suzanne Silver, Josh Stern, Robert The, Friese Undine, Kit Warren, Audra Wolowiec

Paradise Correspondents:
Erik Schurink and Mahdu Kaza

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