Thursday, October 21, 2010


Dear Sir/ Madam,

The ACADEMIC SWISS CAUCASUS NET (ASCN; offers short-term grants to Georgian PhD. students in social sciences or humanities.

Selected grant holders have the opportunity to spend up to three months at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland ( to work on their PhD. thesis or to participate in academic conferences. They have full access to the University library and benefit from state of the art research infrastructure. Besides, these grants give young researchers the opportunity to extend their academic networks by meeting scholars in their field of expertise.

Grants cover visa costs, travel costs, accommodation as well as daily expenses (on the basis of per diems). Accommodation is organized directly by the ASCN Programme.

Applications can be made anytime during the year. For organization matters, candidates must apply one month in advance.

General information about the grant programme as well as the application form is to be found on

We would be grateful if you could disseminate this information to potential candidates and interested scholars.

Best regards,

Denis Dafflon


Denis Dafflon
Programme Coordinator
University of Fribourg
Interfaculty Institute for Central and Eastern Europe (IICEE)
Bd de Pérolles 90 1700 Fribourg/Switzerland
Phone: +41 26 300 79 82
Mobile: +41 79 303 43 44


The ACADEMIC SWISS CAUCASUS NET (ASCN) is a programme aiming to promote social sciences and humanities in the South Caucasus. The different activities foreseen in the programme aim to contribute to the emergence of a new generation of talented researchers in the three republics of the South Caucasus. Promising junior researchers are supported through research projects, capacity-building trainings and scholarships. The emphasis of the programme is on the promotion of individuals. In order to ensure sustainability, the ASCN programme puts emphasis on international networking and thus promotes cooperation between scholars based in the South Caucasus and scholars in Switzerland.

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