Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ART: Nadia Tsulukidze/ DasArts Final Project

Dear friends and colleagues,

I am happy to invite you to the performance Ready for Love or Seven Fragments of Identity, my DasArts Final Project.
Me, myself and I will be performing this piece in Brakke Grond. more here >>>

When? We 20 Oct- 19:00 & Thu 21 Oct- 20:30

'Love, when i am in it, gives me the sense of completeness and belonging, the sense of acceptance for who i am, all of me. Belonging is a big thing.'

The performance is about: love, marriage, Communism as family, Brejnev and my grand father, sentimental bubbles, my studies of western life, borders, products - East/West absurdities that shaped my unshaped identity.

Concept/performance: Nadia Tsulukidze
Dramaturgy advice: Bojana Mladenovic
Coach : Andreas Bachmair
Technical support: Arie Bults

Hope to see you there!
Warm regardsNadia

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