Monday, November 29, 2010

DOCUMENTARY: Movie premiere “Out of the Ashes” (

Movie premiere “Out of the Ashes”
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325.

CARE International in the Caucasus and Heinrich Boell Foundation are cordially inviting you to Movie premiere “Out of the Ashes”

A movie by G. Glaser and D. Schwaiger (2010)

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During more than 20 years a bloody civil war dominated the north of Uganda. Now women should be empowered to reconstruct the social fabric of the war torn region.

Time: Thursday, December 2, 2010 at 18:00
Venue: Heinrich Boell Foundation,
38 Zovreti, St. 38, Tbilisi
Tel: (995 32) 38 04 67/68
Admission free

Since 2006, the 20 year conflict between the Government and the Lord’s Resistance army in Uganda has ended. However ceasefire is reality only on paper. The women of northern Uganda are fighting for gender equality and their right to fully participate in the peace negotiations and process. “We had the opportunity to meet women who – despite of the almost hopeless situation – are full of vitality and try with enormous energy to restart. The persistent danger of a recurring conflict can not stop them,” describe filmproducers Gregory Glaser and David Arno Schwaiger their experiences.

The documentary has been produced in the course of the project “Women’s Empowering for Peace” financed by the Austrian Development Agency in cooperation between CARE Osterreich and Sancho Pansa Film Productions. It reveals impressive stories of the life of women in northern Uganda.

CARE Osterreich has provided humanitarian aid to Uganda since 1969. In the beginning the projects were restricted to agriculture, cattle breeding and education in healthcare, but were expanded due to the bloody civil war: Women’s Empowerment is now a main focus.

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The movie will be screened in English and local languages with English subtitles.

The movie is screened within the framework of the project Strengthening Women’s Capacity for Peacebuilding in the South Caucasus implemented by CARE International in the Caucasus and funded by the European Union with funding from the Austrian Development Agency.

For more information please contact Tamara Sartania at or via phone at 895 92 13 93.

more: Gender Information network of the South Caucasus (

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