Thursday, June 30, 2011

CALL: Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival and Animation Film Festival Animated Dreams in Estonia (

Click on the posters for bigger version ...

Dear Ralph Hälbig,

This year Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival and Animation Film Festival Animated Dreams in Estonia are launching AnimaCampus Tallinn, a brand new networking platform and training event for up-and-coming young filmmakers working in the field of animation. The five-day creative summit will take place in parallel with Animated Dreams in November. Our focus regions are: Nordic countries, Baltic States, South Caucasus and Central Asia. Info of the event is attached to the letter.

I red your blog and I was hoping that you might have some contacts of people/organizations related to animation from South Caucasus. I would be so grateful if you could share them.

Maybe you could consider publishing information about our event. Here is AnimaCampus information

Thank you for a reply!

Kind regards
Kairi Vihman
Assistant/Editor of AnimaCampus Tallinn

Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival
Telliskivi 60a, 10412 Tallinn, Estonia

Mob: +372 5358 6930
Skype: kairi.vihman

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