Friday, April 06, 2012

MEDIATHEK: Ostern im Kaukasus (

( Der Autor des Filmes Juri Rescheto begleitet Georgi Kobachidze, einen jungen Lehrer, der mit seiner siebenköpfigen Familie das Fest aller Feste feiert: Ostern. Für die Kobachidzes ist das der Höhepunkt des Jahres, wie für alle gläubigen Georgier.



Easter in the Caucasus

Philosophy / Religion, People / Society

easter in the caucasus; Rechte: united-docsPink cherry blossoms dance gently in the sunlight, offset against a gloomy church ruin – it is springtime in Tiflis, capital city of Georgia. This is where Georgi Kobachidze lives. The young teacher and his family of seven are celebrating the festival of all festivals: Easter. For the Kobachidze family, this is the high point of the year, as it is for all the faithful in Georgia. Georgi’s daily commute between the small village, Kareli, where he and his family live and the capital city, Tiflis, where he works, takes him along a route overlooked by the snow-covered peaks of the Caucasus Mountains and lined with fresh green meadows. And with willow branches lining all the streets on Palm Sunday, it would be easy to forget for a moment that a bloody war was waged here just a few years ago. What is life like today for the Georgian people? What are their fears and dreams and how are they coping with everyday life? We visit the longest road-side meat market in the world and sample the home-made Georgian red wine. Everywhere you feel that the people at the feet of the mighty Caucasus are searching for their identity. We join with the people of Georgia as they celebrate Easter, enjoying the picturesque mountains, the deep bass sounds of Georgian male voice choirs and the little tales of every day life, which are funny and melancholic at the same time.


  • Title: Easter in the Caucasus
  • Original title: Ostern im Kaukasus
  • Film by: Juri Rescheto
  • Format: 45`
  • Production: WDR
  • Year of production: 2011
  • Language / subtitle version: German
  • Category:
    People / Religio

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